Taiwan plans to build 500 cruise missiles


SampanViking said:
Hi Sampanviking,
The last one here will be accused of flaming and off topic would be you. So before that Fumanchu and i would take the title first.:p

Now I understand your difference of opinion. Lets just say I have detected in Hu and Wen a far greater degree of Pragmatism in the Chinese leadership than there was even a few years ago. Likewise the KMT and Pan Blue Allies seem a lot more switched on.
Let hope you are right.
In part I see this as a generational change as on both sides of the straits we are seeing old ideologues being replaced by a younger more executive minded generation.
Younger executive will be more open minded, but they might also have less ability and power to control the situations.
Secondly, I think both sides genuinely believes that a worthwhile deal is deliverable (Probably also International Community hence last nights attached article)
The only exception to all of these factors is of course ... Mr Chen.

I have probably taken this topic as far as I can for the time being, we at least now understand each others position and we will be able to pick this up again as the situation unfolds.

Untill then, I look forward to seeing you in Chinese Economy Today.;)
Agreed, we should let time to do the judgement and unfolds the future.

The 500 cruise missiles will not make much different on the situation, and probably will not alter any significant balance of power. And this is all I am going to say, before I get the W from mods.


VIP Professional
that there is a new willingness to achieve a peaceful solution.

There always has been a peaceful solution, one that does not cost anything to do. Just keep the Republic of China name, and everything will be fine.


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Junior Member
Supplemental picture...


Keep in mind that the map isn't completely to scale, though.

Basically it says that Taiwan has decided to place Hsieng-Fung 2 Anti-Ship missiles with a range of 80 NM on several outlying islands; once installation is complete, they will be able to challenge several areas in the Taiwan Strait.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
D-Day Normandy
06 June 1944 Taiwan

Normandy Assault Force 176,000 amphibious troops
three airborne divisions
10,000 aircraft
136 warships [BB, C, DD]
3,000 landing craft
2,000 other ships

Taiwan Assault Force
15,000 amphibious troops
three airborne divisions
3,300 combat aircraft
60 warships [DD, FF]
~300 landing craft

Normandy Defending Force 400 aircraft
~50,000 troops [six divisions]
no naval presence

Taiwan Defending Force
490 fighter aircraft
40 warships [DD, FF]

15,000 amphibious troops
three airborne divisions
3,300 combat aircraft
60 warships [DD, FF]
~300 landing craft

Air Situation

Normandy: Attacking force had air supremacy many months prior to amphibious assault.

Taiwan: Attacking force would have to obtain air supremacy prior to amphibious assault.


Normandy: Luftwaffe flew no reconnaissance flights over the coastal regions of Great Britain during the early months of 1944.
Germans mounted no air reconnaissance during the first five days of June, because of bad weather.

Taiwan: American intelligence satellites overfly the area a dozen times every day.

This is from Global Security. It compares Normandy and Taiwan. Doesn't make it look too good for the attackers does it? (It is from 2000 though.)


Junior Member
Yeah, I saw that one from Global Security several years ago as well. One very important factor that it didn't take into account was the inevitable barrage of ballistic missiles China would unleash before an amphibious invasion, and what the effects might be on the defenders...


The Capitalist
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Sorry, but for the benfit of this and other "Guilo" can somebody take the time and effort to translate Kyli article (into English just in case any comedians are reading).

Based on what I heard though it simply re-inforces my view of Chen and the DPP losing ever greater contact with reality on his ongoing political "Flight to Nowhere".

The kind of rhetoric and actions he is taking would work well if he was dealing with a closed, militaristic country, bit somehow this "Evil Empire" bit just does not jell, when most of your country's movers and shakers spend half their lives doing business over there.


Senior Member
KYli said:
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It just says that they are deploying the Hsiung Feng 2 antiship cruise missile battery on to this island (Dong Ying), which is the northernmost island controlled by the ROC. It has a range of 150 km. It is intended to increase Taiwan's strategic depth and help sea control.

They also have a Sky Bow missile system -- apparently a SAM -- on the island. They intend to build a large radar station too. Janes apparently reported the ROC military's intent back in 2004.

Deleted member 675

KYli said:
The 500 cruise missiles will not make much different on the situation, and probably will not alter any significant balance of power.

Err, surely 500 cruise missiles could make a heck of a lot of difference in a potential war. What exactly did you base that assessment on, Kyli? They won't win a conflict for Taiwan but used properly could give them an edge they currently don't have.

SampanViking said:
Based on what I heard though it simply re-inforces my view of Chen and the DPP losing ever greater contact with reality on his ongoing political "Flight to Nowhere".

Didn't you hear the DDP's proposal a month or so ago that it would be willing to drop its aim for independence as a pre-req to talks with Beijing, so long as the mainland governemnt didn't insist any Taiwanese delegation had to commit to the one-China principle first? The Chinese government dismissed it out-of-hand. I think that proves Beijing is the problem, not Taipei, as they're the ones with all the demands.
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The Capitalist
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:roll: Fu Man Chu you should be on the stage:roll:

But seriously.

1) The commitment to the One China Policy is the best disavowment of Independance I can think of.

2) The One china Policy is the basis of the agreements reached between PRC and Taiwan in the 90's. any subsequent discussions and negotiations must start at this position and proceed in whatever direction by mutual consent. It is not for one party to tear up all previous agreements and recommence on an ad-hoc basis accorsding to their fancy. No govt anywhere would agree to talks on that basis.

The precondition of the PRC therefore is to continue from the point the last talks concluded. The precondition of the DPP is that they can set the discussions at any point of their choosing according to their whim.

If that isnt a flight of fancy I dont know what is:confused: