1st, yes I do, and yes there is a indeed a taboo of using nuclear weapons on conventional conflicts, this is one reason why India and Pakistan didn't go all out in 1999 and 2003, this is why Israel is not considering nuking Syria and Iran, this is why US and Soviet Union didn’t nuke China before it had the bomb, and this is why there are only less than dozen nation on earth with nuclear ability, once you get the ball rolling, once China demonstrated that using nuke is acceptable to conventional war, guess what? Every Tom and Jerry dictatorship in the world will make it their priority to acquire nukes, once they do... you want to know what is going to happen to world geo politics? So no, China nuking TW will bring very very short sight benefit to China and 1000x more harm to the human race, and last time I check, Chinese people are human. And forget about China ever winning the diplomatic war after the nuking. If you think anti china sentiment is bad now, think about how the world is going to react after they drop that nuke. Oh and foregut about integrate Tw people into the system for the next 100 years, Using nuke on TW will be one of the stupidest decision made by China, or any human species in this situation.
2nd. What you think is irreverent, China right now have overwhelming advantage in TW strait, they can use 1/4 of their air force and navy to take control of TW ocean and air. And no, I am not count in surprise attack, when and if China invades, it will be no surprise to anyone, TW will know it, US will know it China will know for 3 month in advance, but it won't matter due to China's overwhelming advantage, you can at best land 30k rapid response troops in a surprise, but you can land half million people all out. And this is situation today, think about in 10 years, China's air force will outnumber TW 10-1 in modern jets, China's navy; submarine will outnumber TW 10-1. But yeah sure, when they prepare for war, and they will not expand that 30k troopers whatsoever, great logic, they will not convert other troops into amphibious and airborne unit, they will do the whole invasion just be that 30k alone for the next 10 years, while TW will mobilize the whole island of 20 million people and turn them into crack elite troops. Seriously dude, are you even listening to yourself? You sound like Americans, “we will do this, we will do that, and our enemy will stay exactly the same, and thereof we will win in the end...”
3rd of all. You are the one in the beginning that already made up your mind that US will intervene, and I just told you they will NOT. It is interesting that you totally skipped US's invades Iraq base on totally lie and fabrication, while the world watches and DID NOTHING, and guess how did that war turn out? not very well for US is it? US vs Iraq was like a 400lb body builder beating on a 12 year old boy who have cancer and sitting in a wheel chair. But once US got bogged down, that cancer boy give them a bloody nose didn’t they? And what do you think is going to happen to China, who can actually fight back? The reason US lost the Iraq war is not because of lack of force, they lost because they were too afraid of causality, for every solider die, the people back home complain like hell, and there was like what? 4000 us troop killed in the whole war for 10 years? Which actually manage to bankrupted that nation, and ring down the republican government, During Korean war, China loses more than 4k solder in a hour and Chinese public opinion didn’t give a crap, during the 1979 invasion of VN, in less than 1 month China lost 20k troopers and how did the Chinese people in China react? not much, when China sinks a US carrier battle group with more than 10k people on board, how will people back home in US react? How will US react when China sink 1,2,3 US carrier battle group? How will they feel that they are fighting for a small island where 99% of average America can't pronounce, can't find on the map, and have no direct interest, no direct threat to the security of united state, and fighting for a small island that 99% of all the nation on earth that recognizes as part of China? Where it will not be endorse by the United Nation? Where US have to go to war all by itself the other side of the globe, you really think TW worth all that much?
You think US public opinion will force US to war? You should know American people are sheeples, they have no independent ability to do critical thinking, ABC, CNN, CBS told the America sheeple there was imminent threat of Iraq MWD, they repeat it over and over and over and over and over again and again and again and again guess what? 99% of American believe in it, and thus supported the war, the war was not because US population’s public option that forced the nation into the war, it was the government ----- influence ----> Media ----- influence-----> people for war ------ supported -----> war. NOT the other way around. United State people are not free, time and time again, it has been proven that they are a product of the media, a media which heavily connected with the government and corporate interests.
And lastly, interestingly you didn't mention at all the economic interest that both nation are connected, ALL of united states civilian manufacturing ability have been outsourced to China, if US goes to war, please tell me you don’t believe the crap that “CHINESE IS EARNING ALL OF OUR MONEY!!!!!” Vast majority of profit are earn by US corporations that manufactures in China but earn all of their profit at home selling those products, they pay a peanut amount of wages to the Chinese side in the overall process. They are the ones have the most to lose. Bbye bye Wal-Mart, Kmart, Apple, Costo, Sams club, and want to take a guess who donates the most money to politician candidate for elections? hint hint, US corporation, which almost all of them benefits from China.
Oh and again, you assume that the war will be long, because base on your pervious personal assumption that for the next 10 years, China will do noting with only 30k troops while TW will train it is people to became elite force like Chuck Norris. Your pervious assumption is false and baseless personal opinion, thus, this assumption is also false and personal opinion.
Oh and make another analysis that most of the Chinese ballistic missile will be useless, that they will miss the targets, I mean, never mind that all of them are guided by GPS/Compass, with terrain guidance with accuracy of 10 meters or less on test, but in the war, they will all became as accurate as throwing rocks. Oh and let's also ignore all the thousands of cruise missiles with 2000km range which Chain is going to fire, all again with accuracy of 10m or less, and yes, they will all became as accurate as throwing rocks in event of war, and let's also ignore those 200km+ range rocket launchers, with impact radius more accurate less than 1%, and yes, in the event of the war, they will also be useless like rocks.
Oh and yes, let's use a late 1990s video of PLAAF using SU-27 dropping iron bombs and unguided rocket to conclude that this will be how 400+ flankers, J-10 will be used in the event of war. Let’s make a general conclusion of entire China’s air force base on the footage of a 20 year old su-27 on a publicize military excise.
Never mind China outnumber every single force factor with TW by 10-1, never mind China out technology almost all TW weapons, never mind that China already have this advantage today which will be even more wide spread in next 10 years.
Your analysis of United State is laughable, your underestimation of China military is amazing, your overhype of TW's force sound like words coming from a Filipino.