lol, outperforming sunburn is not a great achievement at al. Not sure about it's performance, but if you ask Bryan C on CDF, he will give you a rundown on how amazing it is.Do you think an HF-III AShCM has enough range to destroy one and can anyone tell me the performance/specs of the HF-III.
I have read that it "outperforms the SN-22 SUNBURN" on the new Sovremmeny destroyers in PLAN service but nothing else other than the new Hazard Perry frigates in the ROCN have been modified to mount them,
How is taiwan going to be capable of launching a mass attack? And you don't need an Aegis system to defend against a concentrated attack. Put a HH-16 VLS on the carrier + some Type 730 CIWS and then add in the protection given by HH-9 and HH-16 on the escorts, do you really think Taiwan can penetrate that with the limited number of launch platform they have?The most effective way of killing a carrier, particularly a PLAN carrier as the air defences (AEGIS knock off of stolen US technology has not been battle proven yet) have not matured yet is to simply fire off as many AshM at it as you can-like the Soviets did in the Cold War-smart!
The other thing to consider is how is Taiwan going to provide the OTH targetting for HF-3?