After looking around a bit, I found out that the M113 is apparently to be replaced due to its age, while the CM21 is to remain in service. (The CM21 is indeed based on the M113 but has improved side armor, revised seating to help shooting, and components compatible with local industries). In addition, there appears to be more than one version of the V150, of which the disliked 4-wheel version will in all likelihood be replaced, not all of them.
Oh yeah, some news: Conscription age limit reduced to 36.
The Legislative Yuan passed an amendment changing the third article of the military service law (?), reducing the term of service from 40 years old to 36. In addition, article fifty was edited as well, expanded to include reserves or discharged soldiers, administration controlled by the Ministry of Defense.
The original wording for article three stated: Males 18 years of age begin military service January 1 of the next year (meaning of I turned 18 in 2000, my service would begin January 1 2001), up until the year in which they turn 40 years old, to be discharged December 31 of that year. Officers and Noncoms are not restricted by this rule.
The new wording basically just changes the 40 into 36.