2015 documentary about ROC army stationed in the remote islands of Kinmen and Matsu (though they are islands themselves already both have an assortment of even smaller islands).
Is it still illegal for active duty soldier to visit the mainland? Must be so boring on Kinmen if you can't leave.
Also, why are they loading and extracting the artillery shells so gingerly?
Aren't these people sick and tired of wars yet?
No, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq again, Somalia, Grenada, Panama…
Which is why they have once again deluded themselves that any future direct or indirect combat against the P.R.C. isn't going to be that challenging. They must be in an assumption (false and hubristic) that whatever best case scenarios they have laid out for Taiwan (assumes that the vast majority of people there will become raging jihadis to fight against the PLA) will materialize and that their combat prowess of force on force actions will relive the Persian Gulf War result in which the monumental strategic stupidity of Saddam Hussein and his forces will be replicated by the PLA's supposed non-existent combat experience into a massive and total defeat.
I don't think any of the U.S. militaries much vaunted and much hyped AAR along with RAND studies have penetrated the minds of the military-political-industrial makers of the U.S. anymore. So rather than actually accommodating the rise of China peacefully it chooses to confront and blunt it's quest to revitalize the Chinese dream and to what end? Just to satisfy their messianic and religious belief that the country of the U.S. is destined to be the sole savior and molder of the world; it's manifest destiny endowed by their God Almighty. God help us all.
Simply, yes.
Longer version:
It’s basic racist/fascist dog whistling. PRC is simultaneously incompetent should conflict arise, but also somehow the most fear inspiring opponent… The racism comes in because Americans (media and politicians) are constantly repeating the same tropes… Chinese can’t innovate, Chinese are dishonest, Chinese people are brainwashed, etc.
Also, 99% of Americans have cannot beyond their own view on the situation. You keep hearing “Taiwanese will fight for Nation’s survival! Chinese are invaders!” No! This is absolute horse manure! If Taiwan declares independence, which is the most likely cause of war despite what western media is trying to sell, then PLA would also be fighting for the survival of the country, not as an invasion force!
Taiwan is a critical ally in a region facing growing destabilization
The destabilization is actually from DPP and USA. Ambassadors and Senators visiting, military planes landing, calls from the president etc.
Yes, PLA is flying aircraft near Taiwan at an unprecedented rate, but they are arguably less scary than the 90’s when the missiles were being launched. So if anything, PLA has ratcheted down their aggression.