Yahoo News said:WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's top aide on Sunday pressed the case for "targeted, limited consequential action" to degrade the capabilities of Syrian President Bashar Assad to carry out chemical weapons attacks as the White House mounted a major push to win support from a divided Congress and skeptical American public for a military strike.
White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough asserted that a "common-sense test" dictates that the Syrian government is responsible for a chemical weapons attack that Obama says demands a U.S. response. But he said the Obama administration lacks "irrefutable, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt evidence" that lawmakers who will start voting on military action this week are seeking.
"This is not a court of law. And intelligence does not work that way," White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said, part of a five-network public relations blitz Sunday to build support for limited strikes against Assad.
Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me? What unmitigated Bravo Sierra!
You mean like the common sense that would call for Assad openly and blatantly using chemical weapons against his own people, in his own capitol when a UN chemical weapons inspection team was in the capitol just a few miles away?
Or the common sense that Assad would use the chemical weapons at a time when he was getting the upper hand over the rebels and risk doing the very thing he knew would push the US to attacking him when he was winning?
Or the kind of common sense that would have him play directly into the hands of the Islamic rebels whom he was beating when they themselves have made videos of their own use of the same weapons?
Are all of those kinds of common sense what you're talking about?
No, any sane, rational person, looking at this with the least degree of objectivity will use their own "common sense" to tell them that the Obama administration, just like they were with the Benghazi travesty, are abject, pathological liars.
Again, and again, and again, and again.
Representative Joe Wilson had it right from the start.

60 missiles is not a saturation attack against five AEGIS destroyers operating together with CE, and one Horizon...not even close, and particularly for this missile. But that is moot because we both agree that nowhere near that many are going to be incoming.I'm certain that Kh-31 is advanced enough so in large saturation attack some will get trough.
Nope. See above.If all of the 60 missiles get launched , there will be hell to pay on those ships
E-3 AWACS, and multiple other sensors covering the area from aircraft and other vessels. In addition, as we have discussed, few of the aircraft will likely get into range to launch.Radar horizon.
Your information is very out of date. SM has been continuously upgraded for each new threat deployed and is capable of engaging small, high speed (mulit-mach) missiles at all flight profiles, including sea skimmers.SM-2 was designed to hit larger and less maneuverable missiles ( Kh-22 , P-500 ...) and bombers ( Tu-16 , Tu-22 ...). It was upgraded but not that much.
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