Have you seen the original? They were in worse shape for their budget than this series and they had different cultures and alien species.
They did have some aliens, but not that frequently. They had some green things in the pilot - after that it was generally humans from what I can remember.
Shouldn't they speak at least some Greek or Latin since their gods seem to follow Greek and Roman religions.
Erm, did they in the original? No. So why on earth would they have tried to teach the cast to speak what would have been a new language for them?
I'm sure you believe that.
I said it could have been something else. But if it is in relation to the Iraq war then fair enough. If there was a specific reason by using such a reference then doubtless it would have been easier to get it across by not removing American "cultural aspects", thus making it more likely the target audience would identify with the characters.
Yes, and if they'd tried to use it for a ground vehicle with actors it would have looked terrible. :nutkick:
I guess you think those Vipers in the hangar bay look ridiculous.
No, because they're not CGI and they're from the original series in most respects. On the other hand the original series' "ground vehicle" wasn't to my liking at all. I think it was far better to use something readily available for an unimportant part of the show. If it was possible for them to come up with other designs as good as that which could be used for moving vehicles that would have been great. But to be honest I'm not sure it would have been worth the effort.
I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree over this - it's not worth our time to argue over why a show is good/bad. If I wanted to have a long discussion I'd go to a Sci-Fi forum. By the way, sorry if I was a bit harsh on you in the first post.