The difference between the shows was that BSG was going somewhere, and Lost was going nowhere! Lost was very classily done, but that just covers up the fact there was no central idea to reveal at the end, hence the huge chorus of WTF? when it ended.
Adama wasn't around for the previous cycles of Human/Cylon conflict, that's not what they meant. Different people and different Cylons each time (apart from the 'final five' who had the distinction of being present at two of the cycles), but they made the same mistakes each time. The hope is THIS time, ie Earth in the present day, we will make better choices than our ancestors did.
The twelve tribes of Kobol created artificial life, humanoid Cylons which became the 'thirteenth tribe of Humanity', but Humans and Cylons couldn't get along so the thirteenth tribe left for a new home world, which they named Earth. 1600 years after they left the People of Kobol suffered a catastrophe which probably stemmed from the creation of Centurion type Cylons, and the resulting war forced the survivors to leave Kobol and travel to the Star System Cyrannus, which had twelve habitable planets and was settled by the Twelve Tribes for the next two thousand years. Meanwhile the Thirteenth tribe on Earth, who had abandoned resurrection technology in favour of natural reproduction, had become a little too human, and had created their own race of Centurions, which they failed to respcet and this lead to war. Five of the thirteenth tribe (the final five) had recreated Resurrection and seeing the impending war approach had prepared a ship to take them away from Earth. They lacked FTL capable ships, so had to travel at high sublight speeds so the journey to Cyrannus took two thousand years in real time, but only a few years aboard their ship.
The final five travelled from 'Original Earth' to the twelve colonies to try and stop the humans of the twelve tribes making the same mistake the thirteenth tribe had, which was the same mistake the people of Kobol had a few thousand years previously. The Final Five just arrived at the colonies too late to prevent the first Cylon War, but they managed to bring hostillities to an end for the next forty years. They gave the Colonial Cylons the technology to create 'skin jobs' and ressurrection along with it in the hope that this new race (New thirteenth tribe?) would be a bridge between Cylon and Humans, but the first one they created (Number 1/ Cavill) couldn't overcome his own feelings of revenge against Humanity for what they had done to his Centurion forefathers, and he changed the programming of all the others to turn them into warriors. Their subsequent failure to completely wipe out Humanity was a reflection of the fact that they weren't created for this purpose, and those that spent time amongst Humans began to change their minds about what they were doing. Their hearts weren't truly in it you could say, apart from Cavill. Of the remaining Cylons, the models 2, 6 and 8s elected to remain on 'New Earth' with the Humans and join them. The Centurions were finally treated with the respect they deserved and were given control of their own destiny (and the last base star) in order to find a home for themselves. We may meet their descendents one day when we set forth across the stars once more...