The pyi corp member where definately the evil ones
Is it just me, or do theEarth Force uniforns from Babylon 5 look very facist type? Good series, but the special effects look very "cheap".
I think their uniforms looks similar to the new Battle Star Galactica series. I guess in the future double breasted and single breasted button suit coats as uniform will become out of fashion.
I was hoping the TV series will go into how John Connor (leader and commander of the human revolt) and his group of rebels will fight off the Terminators and thus end the ruling by the machines by Skynet.
Probably too expensive for the TV show.
I'm wondering what critical moment they're talking about in the first Terminator movie that the films goes one way where the TV show will go another. Every other character died. The only angle I can think of is the birth of Cyberdyne because of what's left of the first terminator sent back. But then they sort of played on it in the second and third movies.
I think their uniforms looks similar to the new Battle Star Galactica series. I guess in the future double breasted and single breasted button suit coats as uniform will become out of fashion.
Your right! I never noticed the similarity in uniforms. BSG was a great series; personally I feel one of the best Science Fiction shows ever broadcast. Even the last episode was not a “let down”.
I need to get myself one of those Cylon ladies...............
I like the uniforms from Star Trek into Darkness, except for the Admirals. I mean it should be all white and the shoulders can be gray for the jacket. It looks like one giant stripe in the middle makes it look awkward...like some kind of high class door greeter at a fancy hotel.
I am not so Sure he would have approved of the Tone of it (DS9 or the latest movie), but the uniforms seem more or less harmless.Well if you go by Gene Rodenberry's wife, Majel Barrett, she said that he would not have approved of DS9 because it was about war. So by that I doubt Rodenberry would've liked the militaristic style uniforms in Into Darkness.