Yes I agree but it's JJ Abrams so he could have changed things to his liking.
On a related note:
The healing of the daughter also hints at super powers of the Gary Mitchell type.
And the behind the glass scene is reminiscent of the Where no Man has Gone Before episode as well as The Wrath of Khan movie:
The blonde lady in the trailer also corresponds with the lady in the screenshot here. Similar uniforms and haircuts too.

Got to applaud the ad team for walking the tightrope in terms of references.
Like the Prime Directive I mention in an earlier post... He definitely doesn't know what the Prime Directive is all about because the scene they show violates the Prime Directive while they keep mentioning in the dialog for them to not violate it.
I give that a pass for now since there's enough wiggle room to say that Kirk and pals are down on the planet doing something, but haven't let the inhabitants of the planet know yet. The wiggle room will shrink as more details of the plot are revealed, but for now, you get to slide JJ.
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