Here are the issues,
1) you didn't need to see it. Star Wars is episodic and each episode is an event. Solo is not part of that. It really wasn't necessary
2) production was a known Mess. We had been hearing about the infighting in Solo so we knew it was in trouble and this effected everything.
2.5) They only released trailers 3 months before the movie. Which comes into part point 2 and part point 3. If it's a Star wars movie Start the marketing SOONEST!! don't wait get attention especially because of when it launched.
3) Poor Timing!! REALLY POOR TIMING. lets review yeah. Marvel Infinity Wars, Deadpool 2 and Solo.
Fans of Starwars tend to be fans of comics to so you have 3 movies that are trying to cannibalize the same audience. This was stupid on all three parts Never force your audience into a quandary of which fandom to watch, had Solo launched the same week as nothing but romantic comedies it would have been golden. but by putting it back to back against Deadpool 2 and Infinity wars.
I don’t think it’s the timing. This is the beginning of the summer blockbuster season, when it is normal and expected to have one blockbuster after another.
I am a huge Star Wars fan and have watched most of the new Star Wars movies on the premiere weekend. Even with the first 3 episode, I didn’t like them, especially the first 2 episodes, but still wanted to see them as soon as they came out.
I actually like the latest Episodes 7 and 8. However, I am getting a little tired of it. For instance, I didn’t drop everything and run to the theater to see the Episode 8 on its opening weekend, which has not happened before. I liked it but was not excited about it.
The main issue is with the subject matter. I still believe that their problem is that everything in the franchise is about the same characters and the same story line in the original series. It’s the same people doing the same thing every time. It’s a little exhausting... You already know what would happen and how it would happen even before seeing the movie. When everything becomes so predictable, where does the excitement come from?
Can you think of even a single new idea in the latest episodes 7 and 8? Nothing. It’s like watching a reboot, not new movies. If they can keep doing this and still make movie, I would say they keep adding sons/daughters and grandsons/grand daughters of the Skywalkers to make episodes 20-30.
They need to introduce new ideas and new conflicts in a completely new environment to keep it fresh. The MCU is successful because they are doing exactly this. In addition to completely different characters, every series has its own background and its own story line and its own unique premise, even though they are all about superheroes. That’s why many of these comics have lasted over half a century.
The Star Wars need to do the same.