I'm watching these videos on YouTube about how Star Wars Last Jedi merchandise failed to sell . You see Last Jedi toys selling for a dollar at bargain stores. I don't know if it was a realistic picture because I know there are secondary Star Wars toys that are sold to independent and smaller stores who couldn't sell the more popular kinds of toys reserved for the big chains. So it could've been just them. But interesting this week was the release of Last Jedi on Blu-ray. At Best Buy they sell the steel case version and for big movies they go fast. A couple weeks ago I went to buy Thor: Ragnorak but because I went that evening of the release I saw the steel case versions were all gone and the inventory of the regular versions almost depleted. Last Jedi... I'd say well over half of the inventory on the shelves was still available that night including steel cases. I hope Darth Disney is ready to kill off some Admirals leading the Empire off in wrong directions.
Stores might keep more inventory of the Last Jedi since they were anticipating more customers.