Lieutenant General
'The Last Jedi's Gargantuan $151M 2nd Weekend Plunge Is An Epic Hollywood Choke
Forbes•December 25, 2017
'The Last Jedi's Gargantuan $151M 2nd Weekend Plunge Is An Epic Hollywood Choke
Because no other movie has come anywhere close to the picture’s $151.5 million 2nd weekend box office razing, there’s no movie comparison that gives its record-obliterating failure proper context. To begin to appreciate the epic nature of the Last Jedi catastrophe, consider the 9.2 magnitude megathrust 1964 Good Friday earthquake near Anchorage, Alaska. The $171 million expense of fighting the fire is fairly close to the amount it cost Disney/Lucasfilm (NYSEIS) to produce The Last Jedi. It may seem odd to compare a movie that has earned nearly $400 million in domestic box office receipts to such giant calamities, but that total represents a tremendous shortfall relative to expectations.
Looks like the TLJ is losing the Force.
Here's a quote from anonymous fan questions in regards to the plot that Disney is doing to the Star Wars series:
From an anonymous fan with spot on analysis:
"Twenty questions from The Force Awakens that Last Jedi totally ignores. If you're going to make a sequel, shouldn't you continue the story your predecessor began? This is why The Last Jedi sucks so much:
1. Who was the old man at the beginning of TFA? How did he have a map to Luke?
2. Why was there a map to Luke? Who made it? Doesn't its existence mean Luke wanted to be found?
3. How does Rey know how to fly a spaceship like the Falcon better than professionally-trained Stormtrooper pilots?
4. Wasn't it too coincidental that Han was flying in the very orbit of the planet where the Falcon was being kept? Was he in fact keeping an eye on Rey from afar? Why would he ask a stranger to be his co-pilot after just meeting her?
5. How does Rey know the Wookie language?
6. Why did Snoke emphasize that BB8 was hiding with "a girl?" Why did Kylo react the way he did by saying "What Girl?" Doesn't that imply they know of her and her powers already?
7. Why does Finn defect after being trained his whole life as a Stormtrooper? Is he Force-sensitive?
8. Where did Snoke come from? How do Luke, Leia, and Han know him? Why did they let him influence Ben Solo? How could he influence Ben to turn against his own parents and family? If Han and Leia knew Snoke was manipulating Ben, why did Luke only learn of his evil mind that one night and try to murder him?
9. Where did this First Order come from? Why is the galaxy welcoming another authoritarian dictatorship after clearly celebrating the birth of a new democracy at the end of RotJ?
10. Why did Leia's Resistance have to be so small and on the down-low? Why couldn't they openly declare themselves an army of the New Republic fighting the potential rise of a new evil empire?
11. What happened to the Knights of Ren? Weren't they supposed to help overthrow Luke?
12. Why did Captain Phasma give up so easily at the first hint of danger?
13. How does Rey know the Jedi mind trick?
14. What is Kylo's obsession with Darth Vader? Why would he admire Vader when he knows from his own parents and uncle that Anakin Skywalker turned back to the light? What about Vader is he trying to emulate?
15. How did Maz get Luke's original lightsaber?
16. What's up with the scene where Maz asks Han, "So who's the girl?" and Han looks her in the eye and the scene cuts away. Further implication that he knows something secret about Rey.
16. If Rey is just a nobody, then why would Luke's lightsaber "call" to her? Why does Rey have the vision when she touches the lightsaber? Why is Obi Wan's voice a part of that vision?
17. Why does Leia act like she knows Rey when they first meet? A general hugging a perfect stranger? Weird.
18. Why does C3PO have the red arm that he's so self-conscious about?
19. Why does R2D2 awaken the moment Rey is in his presence?
20. Why did Luke run away? Help me if I've missed anything. God this movie sucks as a sequel. But, hey, it had good cinematography, right? (vomit)"