Richard Sherman Says The Seahawks Figured Out What Peyton Manning's Hand Signals Meant
Tony Manfred
Feb. 3, 2014, 5:19 PM 11,322 9
The Seattle Seahawks decoded Peyton Manning's pre-snap audibles just a few drives into the Super Bowl, Seattle cornerback Richard Sherman told the MMQB's Robert Klemko.
Manning is known for employing a series of shouts and gestures before the snap, all of which are designed to adjust offensive plays to take advantage of whatever coverage the defense is playing.
His now-famous "Omaha!" had baffled teams and onlookers for weeks.
But Sherman says the Seahawks figured out what the hand signals meant early in the Super Bowl against the Denver Broncos, and just started dominating.
Peyton had one of his worst games of the year, throwing two interceptions and averaging less than six yards per attempt.
Here's what Sherman told the MMQB:
"'We knew what route concepts they liked on different downs, so we jumped all the routes. Then we figured out the hand signals for a few of the route audibles in the first half.'
"He demonstrates the signs Manning used for various routes, and says he and his teammates were calling out plays throughout the game and getting them right. 'Me, Earl [Thomas], Kam [Chancellor]… we’re not just three All-Pro players. We’re three All-Pro minds,' Sherman says. 'Now, if Peyton had thrown in some double moves, if he had gone out of character, we could’ve been exposed.'"
The Seahawks were essentially gambling, if Sherman is to be believed.
Manning is known for always being a step ahead of his opponent. He may have been out-thought on Sunday night.
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