Banned Idiot
How do YOU explain the fact that despite the possession of 7-axis CNC machinery and open source literature, Russian subs are still not as quiet as American subs? The Russians have had far more time with submarine research and 7-axis CNC mills than China has; you must think the Russians are idiots. Either that or your sham of an argument has holes in it the size of a nuclear submarine. And how do you explain the fact that the latest generation of USN subs don’t even use the typical skewed 7-bladed props anymore? Are you now going to claim that China is putting pumpjets on its 095’s to match the Seawolf and Virginia classes?You offer nothing other than platitude Now how do you explained the fact that Soviet noise signature suddenly improve after they import the milling machine ?
Why US and cocom threw a hiss after they discover that Toshiba and Kongsberg export Milling machine to Soviet. why China cannot import CNC milling machine until today though it is how the case shooting on one own foot because China now export CNC milling machine to US
Read this article
The design of propeller is well known science I bet they have devoted large amount of money in research and development of the most efficient propeller
You say you don’t mean the internet but you give me a Wikipedia article as your source! ROFLMAOYou abviously has no clue about engineering in general when I say a huge body of literature doesn't mean Internet. Long before the advance of internet people in engineering discuss the finding of their research with publication or proceeding and do check the ASME that is they are the governing body that regulate ,publish, propagate new research and finding in engineering . There section specialized in rotating machinery and other field.
While I have no doubt there is some open source literature out there regarding vibration isolation of pump machinery, this is NOT the same thing as claiming that using this open source literature will somehow lead to the state of the art in submarine quieting technology. In between “open source literature” and “Seawolf quiet” are manifold steps that you simply choose to gloss over because it is intellectually expedient for you to do so, and no less dishonest. That’s assuming you even know what it takes to translate this information into a military submarine application. Which brings me back to your earlier and humorously grandiose claim about your ‘similar’ line of work. So, WHAT DO YOU DO EXACTLY?