At face value that appears to be the reading of the text but proofing it may well become impossible because the natural features are now under concrete. The issues now before the tribunal is instructive as it has been asked to make a determination of the eight islands currently occupied by China whether it is island or rock.
There exists reports on conditions of those features prior to reclamation as well as what another state (Philippines) has classified as rocks using UNCLOS definitions.
As the United States has not recognized Chinese title to the features, it is not obligated to observe requirements of a theoretical territorial sea and may treat the feature as terra nullius. More importantly, even assuming that one or another state may have lawful title to a feature, other states are not obligated to confer upon that nation the right to unilaterally adopt and enforce measures that interfere with navigation, until lawful title is resolved. In fact, observing any nation’s rules pertaining to features under dispute legitimizes that country’s claim and takes sides which the US has consistently said it will not do.
That would mean the US has to be conducting their actions equitably on all the claimants in the SCS. Otherwise, it would be selectively choosing what to observe and undermines the principle that States need to follow international law. The rules I listed are stemming from international agreements, not what the Chinese have specifically said. Of course, one can say the Chinese are taking advantage of the rules provided in international agreements but that is true of all the other claimants as well.
Whilst I agree that the tribunal will not be addressing the issue of sovereignty, the Philippines has specifically asked the tribunal to address whether the eight islands currently occupied by China are rocks or islands and consequently their entitlements. This goes a long way in establishing the limits of the claim regardless of who has final ownership.
In regards to whether China has violated any law it is dependent on whether the 12 nm limit is placed on all the reclaimed islands since some do not meet the standard before the reclamation.
Well, at this point, the Chinese have been intentionally vague because it serves their purpose. But that also means lumping all features into one assumption in a discussion is just that, an assumption.