^^ The real joy of reading above piece is almost constantly disagreeing with the writer.
arge of WMD against someone go? The thirst for adventure in a faraway lands may very well turn out decidedly different this time.
I definitely see flaw in the author's arguments.
Prior to 1945, conquest was a lawful means of acquiring title to territory, so the European colonial powers certainly enjoyed legal title to the features they controlled. The Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei, Indonesia, and Vietnam derive their title to features from Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and France.
If 1945 is the banner year on ending conquest being regarded as "lawful", then the last conquest by the Japanese would be "lawful" even if for a few years as it happened prior to 1945. Japan itself was finally conquered in 1945. When Japan relinquished the Spratlys and the Paracels in 1951, it made no specific statement about who it relinquished to. So in the same logic that the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and Vietnam derive their title to features from Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and France; China/Taiwan can also derive their title to features from Japan. The Japanese had called the Spratlys Shinnan Gunto and placed them under the jurisdiction of then Takao-shu of colonial Taiwan. The Paracels where placed under the jurisdiction of Japanese-occupied Hainan. ROC continued to maintain presence in those features and even evicted Clomas. Prescription is yet another means of sovereignty validation.
And if we're on the topic of former colonizers bequeathing colonies features, the author needs to keep in mind the Treaty of Paris defined what features the Philippines inherited. The latter and vague Treaty of Washington when taken in context dealt more with the issues of Cagayan Sulu and Sibutu and their dependencies.