Sino-Myanmar Border Conflicts


Well, we don't have the detail just yet. It's also possible that the PLAAF jets scrambled and intercepted the Myanmar jet(s). and they prevented further damage by the Myanmar jets. It's just that they were not quick enough to stop the first bomb. And 100 km is such a short distance for a fighter jet. The PLAAF had to have jets already in the immediate area to stop that.

No that is inexcusable. 100 km is not a short distance. It's not like the blips just appeared suddenly once It enter Chinese airspace. Unless someone was literally sleeping on the job the aircraft would've been tracked long time ago before it was anywhere near the border. Warnings would've been issued, fighters scrambled and SAMs on the ready.
90% of world's major cities are 100 km from the border or from international airspace.

I don't think NORAD would take take too kindly to Russia Bears or MiGs flying 100 km into us airspace over NYC or Washington, D.C.
If a foreign military aircraft goes that deep into Chinese territory and freking drop bombs on their land I would severely question the effectiveness of Chinese air defence radar and intercept capabilities.


Junior Member
This is kinda bad for China. Now people know PLAAF's readiness is horrible. How can they let any foreign bombers to bomb Chinese territory with impunity? Any major countries wouldn't allow this kind of things happen even near 200 km of their border.

It basically means "Hey! Any third world country can attack China you don't need stealth fighters!" I am joking I am joking! But seriously. This is just not cool.


Junior Member
This is kinda bad for China. Now people know PLAAF's readiness is horrible. How can they let any foreign bombers to bomb Chinese territory with impunity? Any major countries wouldn't allow this kind of things happen even near 200 km of their border.

It basically means "Hey! Any third world country can attack China you don't need stealth fighters!" I am joking I am joking! But seriously. This is just not cool.

Correct. I dont like to agree with this, but seeing this sad state of affairs, there is no other explanation besides conspiracy theorites about China wanting the Burmese to bomb their people.

But still, there is something incredibly wrong with the reaction of the Burmese as well. No apology, no offering of condolences, no nothing. It is as if they thought that their action was legitimate and that they would do it again and again.

How can China even be called a 'country' when they couldnt even reign in such a batshit insane neighbor who is nonchalantly violating you border and killing your people?


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Some updates from Chinese forums:

1) The Burmese jet responsible for the attack was a Q-5, not a MIG-29 as previously reported (my bad).

2) Chinese Air Force conducted air patrols over the border area with Burma since March 12th according to a PLAAF spokesperson.

How come they failed to intercept the attack jet?


Lieutenant General
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Some updates from Chinese forums:

1) The Burmese jet responsible for the attack was a Q-5, not a MIG-29 as previously reported (my bad).

2) Chinese Air Force conducted air patrols over the border area with Burma since March 12th according to a PLAAF spokesperson.

How come they failed to intercept the attack jet?

"With" burma? Are we saying that the burmese were also patrolling their side of the border as well?

As for how it happened, I assume that PLAAF patrols cannot be in the air 24/7, and more importantly, I expect burmese planes to have been constantly flying over their own airspace close to the border on their own operations so it may be quite difficult to positively identify a plane that is going to cross the border until it already has.
More importantly I suspect this portion of air space is not a heavily monitored area compared to others, say, over the ECS, SCS, or yellow sea, or air space facing india and pakistan.

Anyway, SAMs are the right way to deal with this.

By the way there is already a thread for this in the strategic defense sub forum, can we merge the two threads?


Lieutenant General
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This is kinda bad for China. Now people know PLAAF's readiness is horrible. How can they let any foreign bombers to bomb Chinese territory with impunity? Any major countries wouldn't allow this kind of things happen even near 200 km of their border.

It basically means "Hey! Any third world country can attack China you don't need stealth fighters!" I am joking I am joking! But seriously. This is just not cool.

I think we are exaggerating a little, first of all the actual attack likely occurred closer to the border than the map suggests (as mentioned by shen), but more importantly, it is worth noting that the border facing myanmar is probably among the less surveyed airspaces of China's borders. That is to say, generalizing the PLAAF response (or therelackof) to this incident to the entire PLAAF is kind of like looking at a ZTZ-59 of an unmodernized army unit and assuming the entire ground army is like that.

that isn't to excuse the fact that this incident happened, it just shows that China needs to modernize its military forces even faster than it already is.