Significance of the Al Khalid


Junior Member
ahho said:
since modern tank vs tank engagement chance of winning is who shoot first and what kind of support they have, how is survivability of al-khalid in guerilla warfare where the tank have to enter into a city or village

Actually AlKhalid is for desert and open plains where it can do manuaveurs , just like T72 . For urban warefare heavily protected tanks like Merkava Mk4 are useful .


Junior Member
But that doesn't mean Markeva can't "run" as fast. Well it does but not like it'll make a difference.;) What makes a tank? Armour and fire power according to Nato. According to Soviets; armour fire power and a lot of them (tanks).:D


Junior Member
Vytautas said:
No its mobility,armour,firepower,speed.Speed and firepower take the same place.

Hi Vytautus ! Long time no post.

Merkava had a few problems in urban terrain in Lebanon
even WITH airpower


Junior Member
Lets not drift off to discussing how merkava performes in urban enviroments.
Al Khalid may be a good desert tank,but we all know that northern pakistan is covered in mountainous terrain,furthermore its the most possible place where Al Khalid would be deployed in case of a conflict with India.
How would it perform in rough terrain?

Baibar of Jalat

Junior Member
Vytautas have you seen a geographical map of Pakistan in the center there is the Thar desert that consists of flat land. True in the north there is mountains but any India thrust be in the lowlying centre, as someone has already stated. However, Firstly people should look closer to a map and see that any thrust towards Karachi is very difficult due to Salt marshs along the border plus the indus delta that covers a large area includes farmland and mangroove forests. Secondly the central part is desert but along the Indus river the area is heavily irregated, with a variety of width and depth of canals.

Someone mentioned i think it was Argun(sorry if not) on previous pages that the Pak army will not be willing to concede Lahore, which i also believe would be case, thus the Indian divisions would try to cut the nation into two but due to the mighty Indus and the huge irregation network (one of biggest in world) Pakistan with well trained infantry divisions could in theory stop an Indian dividing thrust, plus with other military assets Pakistan could repel any attempt throught this area. Also Pakistan could easily flood the area as like the Germans did in the Rhur valley.

What do you guys think?

P.s I does not matter if you decide it is a Chinese tank painted in Pakistani colours its all good, Pakistan has saved money but just as important it has gained experiance.
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Junior Member
I think you need to give your self a second thought. It was possible for PA to flood northern India back in the day. Not anymore. With IA's new doctrine and quick reaction its more risky than ever. PA has become defensive and IA has become offensive. A change in role. The IA already has numerious bridge layers. Perhaps you should visit BR once in a while. Add together IAF's airlift capabillity.

Baibar of Jalat

Junior Member
I think thats a reply to me.

Sorry Jatt i think you are mistaken i thought i was saying flooding the indus valley(Pakistan) by that i mean letting more water to be allow to flow from Dams thus making the land more impassable not by drowning everyone. Also PA flooding Northern India, which i think could not happen before or anytime. but please explain.


Junior Member
I was talking about how PA could have cut off IA from Kashmir and perhaps reach Dehli in 1965. After these incidents Pak realized that the India had too much depth. They had quantity and the will to use it once it was moblized. Today the Pak doesn't even have the same reaction as India. The recent earth quake tragedy is a example.