Junior Member
... ... evidence that the US government blocks Al Jazeera. ... ...
If I am not wrong, ... ...
1) You are not a Muslim. And, You are not Brown.
You are not Middle Eastern looking.
2) You may be 100% Irish descendant.
3) How can you claim to know -- what exactly is like to be a Muslim born and lives in USA ??
Answer: You don't know a thing about ... ...
Let's pay attention to the real truth ... ...
4) The Keywords are: some timely services interruptions in between
-- when Muslim Media are broadcasting some nasty news that hurt you-know-who feelings.
5) You had conveniently ignored "USA Today" as a credible source.
"USA Today" is the latest source.
You just watch, there will be more and more stories coming out confirming Google is the Official Prostitute of Master Pimp you-know-who.
6) Dubya Bush stole the presidency from Al Gore in year 2000 with the help of his brother John Bush in Florida,
yet Al Gore with all the power backing of Democratic Party is NOT able to sue Dubya & John Bush.
Can you answer this ... ... Why?
7) I am sure that you are aware about ... ...
Story: How Dubya Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
Source: Guardian -- UK
8) Don't get tired with this forum, when you can not handle the real truth.
Let's be frank.
The so-called freedom in you-know-who nation is only good and valid for the selected portion of the you-know-who population.
It is only good and valid for folks like Dubya, John Bush, Prescott Bush, Rush Limbo, and the like ... ...
Now, getting back to the main topic ... ...
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