should burma use multi billions on self defence?


Junior Member
All in All, you can't use a country no matter how much you pay her. That's like a basic principle in Chinese culture.


New Member
dear FuManChu,
Thanks forn ur interestinhg on Burma politics and love to sharing humanrights.
Burma is still under army as China greatwall ...geopolitics effect.


New Member
Isreali always seek their profit ,it is their nature...even they are getting help from US

They transferring missile technology (US origin) to DPRK,PRC and anti US countries.They were killed by Iraq missiles in last war(Invasion of Kuwait).these missile technology came from isreal.

please,do not use rude warnning...*********************************

moderarator...gullyvanen...I don,t hate Isreali and I was born in ISREAL Armed forces day,...its is real ...Any How do not use Kick off or rude expression...thanks for ur early wanning


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Thanks But I determ myself how and what expressions I use when moderating. Racism presents the lowest scum that appears in human mind and I dont simply bother to be polite with low-lifes expressing it.

This is a military forum, not some bloody gardening club!



New Member
dear friend,
i had been visited to pp cambodia,i love the people from cambodia,i want to do the business ,airlines between anchor and bagan direct flight for heritage tourist.
cambodian silver pagoda to burma golden pagoda..shwedagon,,,temple to pagoda....these are slogan for future ,,,bkk airport will be going dawn,,,if we r closed.


Senior Member
bomber, I personally very much doubt that you are Israeli... no Israeli would have that bad command of the English language.


You also spell the word "Angkor" wrongly for "Anchor". Have you really ever visited Phnom Penh, Cambodia? You want to start an airline between Siem Reap (Angkor) and where? Tell you something; airline between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh has recently been started, called Angkor Air, joint venture by a Vietnamese company and the Royal Cambodian Government. However, your post is really irrelevant to this thread.


New Member
bomber, I personally very much doubt that you are Israeli... no Israeli would have that bad command of the English language.

Dear Friend,
I,m not an isreali.I,m a myanmar citizen &live in Yangon.
My english is poor but i ll try my best in next time.
sometime...knowledge or understanding may be different cause of exposure,knowledge,etc.
anyhow,pls understand on me &I also apologise for any convenient when you read my post or reply.
you can join my community...peaceful mind is best weapon.


New Member
bomber, I personally very much doubt that you are Israeli... no Israeli would have that bad command of the English language.

You also spell the word "Angkor" wrongly for "Anchor". Have you really ever visited Phnom Penh, Cambodia? You want to start an airline between Siem Reap (Angkor) and where? Tell you something; airline between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh has recently been started, called Angkor Air, joint venture by a Vietnamese company and the Royal Cambodian Government. However, your post is really irrelevant to this thread.

I never lie to others,I have already visited to PP since september2008.
I stayed at Cambodiana hotel 3times,One time in NAGA land casino hotel.
I also visited to Dream city construction project(2.2billion) by Korean developer.
HK based Meillionium corp also have a project at peninsular (tonna sap&mekhong) rivers.A bridge also under constructing by chinese company.
Municipal also pumping& getting sand from the river to build garden.
JICA also help to PP flood protection ,I saw many prog:)ress of ur country to be developed eg:canadian bank ,financial&business district,bridge(Army engineering project),etc.
I want to try airline business & trip is between Ankhor and Bagan direct flight for heritage tour.I will try my best in next posts...I,m busy with my business& I always rush in forum...thanks
your brotherly,
ZMN we are brother CZ we are same tribe(MON KHMER).


Senior Member
the idea is quite simple, the junta leader's power base is in the military, so it spends more money on the military to keep em pleased. technically there is nothing others can say about it since they have the right to spend as much money on defence as any country in the world. personally i doubt aung san suu kyi can do any better. and though ppl here in the west would like to think that aung san suu kyi is a popular leader among a ppl craving for democracy and all that, the truth is, a lot of burma's younger generation dont even know that person. history shows though, economic take-off in a third-world country is more likely to happen under an autocracy than democracy