No, I think it's just a run on sentence. I think he meant that the loyal wingman will also be for both the AF and the navy. The second part is harder to decipher though. He seems to be implying that the CAC and SAC planes as "tea cups" while the "tea pot", a 3rd plane and presumably an even more impressive one playing a different role, is yet to be revealed.
This is the more accurate description of his (slightly cryptic) post.
The thing is - We need to view both this post and an earlier post (which talked about how the J-XDS and J-36 are complimentary to one another instead of rivals) by him concurrently.

Hence, to sum it up:
1. J-XDS from Shenyang AC is the world's 1st 6th-gen fighter to take flight (Chengdu AC's J-36 is second);
2. J-XDS will have both land and naval (carrier) applications;
3. There is one (or more) loyal wingman UCAV (which presumably is yet to be revealed) which will also have both land and naval (carrier) applications, and that the UCAV highlights stealth and maneuverability;
4. Both the J-XDS and J-36 are the "teacups" in the "tea set";
5. There is one more (presumably 6th-gen manned) aircraft which will play the role of the "teapot" in the "tea set", which is yet to be revealed.

Now, speaking of that "teapot" in the "tea set", @洋务先驱张之洞 on Weibo did mention the following sometime earlier today:

Is there nobody who would like to take a guess on how many Mach these things (referring to the J-XDS and J-36) and something that will come afterwards can fly?
So there's that.
I'm thinking of some kind of a Chinese counterpart to the SR-71 or SR-72, given his mention of "how many Mach". Otherwise, I could only think of the H-20.
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