At this point, I think we can conclude a few things from this new photograph regarding the prototype:New underside view of the J-XDS. Posted by @Rational314159 on Twitter.
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View attachment 142566
- This has a pitot tube whereas earlier photos show a lack thereof.
- This possibly has a different paint scheme, being much lighter/grayer in appearance than the blackish airframe photographed earlier.
- There is a significant groove between the engines/inlets, making the placement of a large IWB questionable.
- There is no evidence of all-moving tailfins.
Some reasonable explanations for the above discrepancies and points of confusion are as follows, ranked in decreasing order of probability:
- This is an earlier or developmental airframe and not the same one that was photographed earlier. There are rumors that the SHENGAD/J-50 actually made its maiden flight some time in November rather than the widely-accepted December date, giving the program some time to build a second and more mature prototype.
- This does not show the SHENGAD/J-50 but rather a whole new aircraft altogether (such as a CCA drone). This would be in line with rumors that SAC was about to unveil yet another item after the J-50 appeared.
- This photograph is actually of the dorsal side of the SHENGAD/J-50. We never really did get good photos of its intakes, so it is possible that the intakes are actually on the top side of the aircraft.