Muskets are still called muskets. We didn’t change the name to assault rifle (or even just rifle) when something newer came along and changed tactics and doctrine. Rifles themselves started out as ‘rifled muskets’ and ‘rifled repeating muskets’. Canons on the other hand are still called cannons, and come in both smoothbore and rifled varieties.You go on about P-47 yet end of the day it will be referred as fighters. We had like 5 similar technological breakthrough, yet fighter remains. You can invent sub roles for the fighter, like fighter bomber, frontline fighter, escort fighter, carrier fighter,air defense fighter, interceptor, drone fighter, but they are all fighters!
And in case you say"butbutbut fighter must be agile dog"fighter" like in WWI". J-20 does not have a gun, yet it will forever be called fighter. We are long past dogfighting, yet the name remained. J-36 is not new when it comes to not give a shit about dogfight. Nothing changed. It will be a fighter.
It may change our impression of fighter just like when we shifted from machine gun to BVR missiles, but the name will stay fighter in English, and it will stay as 战斗机 in Chinese.
They will all still be called fighters, because that’s what they are or were. It will be a historical reference point.
When there is no longer a distinction between F, B, A, R, SR, E, and the majority of airframes and doctrines reflect this - is when designations will start to change. And whoever gets there first, can define or call it whatever they want. Neither you nor I get to choose.