Shenyang FC-31 / J-31 Fighter Demonstrator

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Lieutenant General
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Here are more of these IMO great CGs! But I must admit, I won't complain if the true SAC J-35 will look like this!

Maybe only with a different tail hook arrangement.

(CG's via @dingoogle from Weibo)

J-35 CG - 202101 - 5.jpgJ-35 CG - 202101 - 4.jpgJ-35 CG - 202101 - 3.jpgJ-35 CG - 202101 - 2.jpgJ-35 CG - 202101 - 1.jpg


Registered Member
First of all it is not a PS but clearly a CG ... and why do you think it is made by a fan-boy (even if I agree with the hook!)?
With the first post with a lone picture.. it could have been a PS drawing or edit... but with your post with multiple angles it just became a cg for sure! In both ways... it's a computer maked plane based on the old j-31 prototype.
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Registered Member
I suspect that the nose and cockpit ought to be a bit wider than what's shown in the CG.

Another issue is the placement of the vertical and horizontal stabilizers. It'd be in a position to hide the infrared signature of the jet engines.

Neat aircraft CG nevertheless.


Lieutenant General
Scale feels off and inconsistent. In some of those, especially and head-on ones, it looks almost as big as the J20.

The only one that feels about right scale wise is the last one, and that is most likely due to there being a shot of a prototype from the exact angle to help the artist scale it.

The tail hook feels like it was made non-stealth just to show it is there, with the artist worried it would be too subtle and no-one would notice if it was retracted in its housing like it should be (although he could have easily got around that by showing the tail hook deployed with the housing bay doors open).

The one-piece canopy is also almost certainly a non-starter as naval fighters have much higher bird strike requirements than land based fighters due to the generally much bigger size of seabirds. The F35 went from clear frameless to reinforced frame canopy design because the frameless one did not pass the turkey cannon test. I would expect the PLAN to reach similar conclusions.
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