Maybe it is indeed the "first maiden flight" of 2021.
Here an explanation via @lcloo (posted at the PDF):
So even if a disappointment for the moment ... "only" the first flight of 31003 in 2021.

Maybe it is indeed the "first maiden flight" of 2021.
Here an explanation via @lcloo (posted at the PDF):
So even if a disappointment for the moment ... "only" the first flight of 31003 in 2021.
View attachment 67946
That doesn't explain why the text says "first flight on 2021" when it wouldn't be the first flight of 2021. There's probably something more than meets the eye.
Ähhm ... he explained already: "Chinese netizens always refer to maiden flight as 首飞, and first flight as 第一飞。"
So it is the 31003's "first flight on 2021" and NOT a ""first maiden flight on 2021"!
He meant this will be prototype 31003’s first flight of 2021But this wouldn't be the first flight of 2021, check the post preceding yours.
But this wouldn't be the first flight of 2021, check the post preceding yours.
I posted this under the PLAF future composition thread that was mostly talking about WS19 and 15 engines. and didn't get many responses. Here is probably more appropriate.
Any idea why the fc-31 doesn't use fully rotatable vertical stabilizers like on the J20 and Su57? My impression is that fully rotatable design is more advanced because you don't need to make them as big. Since vertical stabilizers are one of the biggest contributors to RCS, smaller is better.
Also is there a technical name for the fully rotatable design?
I think you are referring to all moving tails.
Also is there a technical name for the fully rotatable design?