Ok, then so China do have the technology to transport this in secret, it maybe a bit harder, but very possible. But yet, they choose to transport it all over China in and out some of the most busiest cities. And of course, this has absolutely no intention to "show off", it is nothing but a simple byproduct of innocent laziness, because they cant' be bothered to do a proper military cover up.
Just saying, I originally said this is getting surreal because everyone it taking notice of it in China and internet is going nuts over this, then you said China have no choice but to transport it, then I said oh I guess China don't have the technology to transport it in secret, then you said OFC the all mighty China do, but this plane is not really a secret anymore because of the model display, and this plane has became some kind of Duanwu festival symbol, then I said, back to my original claim that the way they decide to transport this is part of a publicity attention stunt... And of course you says NOOOO again. I don't know if you understand just how funny this is.