Lieutenant General
Someone caught the shadow.

种子 sounds like 'to impregnate' or 'to deposit sperm'. should be '粽子'
---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------
im pretty sure this whole event is more or less sort of a publicity stunt. even small kids who saw it would ask their mother 'mummy, why is that plane covered up like that?'. too obvious it's a plane-and 1 that needs to be covered up like that.
The climax is near, i guess.
Well at least a few of those certainly do not exist, or are in very early stages of feasibility studies because despite everything china does not have the money to fund that many stealth fighter programs nor do they need that many.
So the SAC heavy fifth gen fighter, single engine J-20 at this moment look like they are less likely to be real, J-21 is looking increasingly more convincing.
And he have a source to back that 4-6 month up?
It could also be that whether it will end up looking like a publicity stunt is not really their main concern. Their first priority is to wrap the the model in a way that offer the least air resistance. This cannot be taken lightly since something of this size and shape can react wildly to strong wind condition when it is transported in the way seen in the pictures.
That thing looks too big to be going more than 30 Km/h.
Just like the strategic bomber project, only one will make to the prototype phase even though two designs were completed, don't ask me whether they chose the VLO/subsonic or the LO/supersonic design, I don't know.
种子 sounds like 'to impregnate' or 'to deposit sperm'. should be '粽子'
by big shrimp PuPu:
"给大家介绍一下沈飞鹘鹰战机,发动机为 2台ws13,推力为8300乘2,机腹有内置弹仓,可挂4枚PL15空空弹,dsi俩侧进气,机长17米,最大起飞重量25吨,机内最大载油7吨,计划 8月首飞,1号样机已经下线,准备去试飞站调试,请大家关注沈阳的天空和我的报道。”
“Introducing SAC's fighter. Engines: WS-13*2, with 8300*2 of thrust. Belly located weapons bay can carry 4 PL15. DSI on both sides. Length: 17 meters. Maximum takeof weight: 25 tons. Maximum fuel capacity: 7 tons. Scheduled first flight: August 1st. Number 1 prototype has come off the assemble line, ready for tuning/debugging at the fly testing site. Please keep an eye on the skies of Shenyang and my report."