Shenyang FC-31 / J-31 Fighter Demonstrator

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I have a feeling that the PT-31001 will see production and would end up becoming the 'JSF' of the Chinese Air Force and Navy. Given the fact that PT-31001 is developed on a twin engine doctrine takes most of the issues attached to F-35's performance out of the equation. It will be more maneuverable than the F-35, it can be faster, more agile, and can contain a heavier load of weapons and sensor's package.

If we see the following upgrades on PT-31001, it can become a huge success.

  • A >100Ktn thrust 'reliable' engine, preferably with two dimensional thrust vectoring nozzles.
  • Powerful Active Electronically Scanned Radar
  • Electro Optical Targeting System (Similar to the one seen on J-20)
  • Signature enhancements, full/max composite air frame - made to be light to have higher TWR.
  • Sensor Fusion
  • Supercruise
  • A highly advanced single piece Man Machine Interface
  • An integrated Helmet Mounted Targeting System to replace HUD
  • Voice enabled command and control
  • Easy servicing and spare parts supply
  • Suitable weapons package (SD-10B+ and IR Guided High Off Bore Sighted WVRAAM)
You forget a major advantage compared with JSF: there won't be a STOVL version. :)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Its not my laundry list. These are the requirements for a true 5th generation platform and i have full faith in Chinese aviation industry's ability to deliver it at a competative price.
Okay, link us to any kind of official Chinese government site that lists these requirements as you have defined them.

If you are going to make a statement that this list is definitely a list for the Chinese 5th gen program, back it up with documentation.

Now, as AFB indicated, it is a good list...but I too believe that it is more of a laundry list of what they would like to achieve.

The most advanced aircraft builders in the world today, who have thrown hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars at the issue, have not gotten all of those items into a single engine.

It is highly unlikely, even to the point of being completely improbable that the Chinese aircraft engine industry is going to do so in the near future.

This does not mean they will not produce good engines, because I fully expect they's just that indicating that you have full faith that they are going to incorporate all of this within the foreseeable future is wistful thinking I am afraid.


Lieutenant General
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There's some interesting rumour posted at the CDF (from "Hongjian") .... :p

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Latest unsubstantiated rumor has it that the next iteration of this project will be numbered 35001.
It will feature foldable wings and a "slightly lower tail" (dont know what he means about that).

... and more ....

Yes, and according to that rumor, the J-31 will be put into hiatus for a period, while the 35001 flies.
That guy claims that he cites the gist from some 2000 word writeup. I am eagerly waiting for that to be posted as well.
Anyway, if there's more, I'll be sure to post it here.

CHeers, Deino :eek:


New Member
The F-35, F-22, and the PAK FA are all considered 5th-Gen, and yet none possess all of the features you have listed:

I didn't stress on including all features. Since PT-31001 has a long way to go in development, the end product should include features that are necessary for all fifth gen jets.

F-22 doesn't have an 'electro Optical Targeting System'.

Because the Raptor was designed as an 'Air Dominance Fighter', not as a 'Multirole Fighter'. The Skunkworks design philosophy was to create a jet that is capable of shooting down Soviet jets with AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles without being seen till an irreversible attrition rate is inflicted upon the enemy. Though Raptors were designed to be Air Dominance aircrafts, they do have the capability to deploy air to ground weapons but it wasn't built into the design philosophy of the raptor as a core requirement.

F-35 doesn't have 'supercruise'. Well, it can 'super-dash' for maybe 10 minutes without afterburners.

F-35 will achieve supercruise capability. As far as i know, a new engine is under development for that purpose.

F-22 and PAK FA don't have a 'highly advanced single piece Man Machine Interface'.

You are looking at things in black and white. The Raptor's development started in the late 80's. Yes its a 5th generation aircraft and its cockpit layout is very advanced. If we take the examples of F-35, SAAB JAS-39 Gripen-NG, and Boeing's advanced F/A-18 Super Hornet as a few examples of how sensor output is projected to a pilot on a single piece cockpit display we can clearly establish that this is the new 'trend' for information display.

Chinese companies too have displayed single piece cockpit displays which is testament to the fact that we are likely to see similar interface layouts on upcoming Chinese jets.

F-22 and PAK FA don't have an 'integrated Helmet Mounted Targeting System to replace HUD'.

Again, F-22 is a product of the 80's and 90s. As a design which was raised from the drawing board for Beyond Visual Range combat, the F-22 didn't need a helmet mounted targeting system. The new upgrade on Raptors will feature a HMTS. Please update yourself |
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As for PAK-FA it too will have a HMTs when it becomes operational.

LOL, neither the F-22 nor F-35 has 'easy servicing and spare parts supply'. In fact, F-22 remains a maintenance hog, and the F-35 is shaping up to be an SOB in that respect as well, regardless if the ballyhooed ALIS works as advertised or not.

F-22 is not a maintenance nightmare. It has suffered issues regarding its onboard oxygen generation systems. Other than that i have not heard anything in this regard. F-35 has been designed to be an easy to operate and maintain aircraft. I don't know what you have been reading.

The U.S. informally defines 5th-gen as having stealth-optimized airframe + AESA radar + Sensor fusion + supercruise. Well, it used to at least... Since the advent of the F-35, supercruise seemed to have been quietly dropped as a feature.

5S standards.

I think your list is more of a laundry/wish list. Needless to say, the more of your listed features a fighter has, the better; but truth be told, 5th-gen doesn't have a definitive feature set.

There is no 'official' list, nor did i claim to have one.

Sorry for the silly questions...

1) What is a Man Machine Interface?

How sensor generated information (Targeting, flight data etc) is projected for a pilot to give him the 'information advantage' over the adversary.

2) And what is so important about voice enabled command and control that it become one of the defining criteria for 5th generation fighter.

Its not a criteria, though voice enabled command and control allows the pilot to interact with the machine without physical intervention. Different features can be utilized simply through a vocal command. This feature is available on the F35 and Typhoons.

3) Easy servicing and spare parts supply? I thought these are basically criteria that are built for designing and manufacturing of the aircraft and that doesn't define a fifth generation aircraft?

Again, i didn't claim my above list to be the 'Bible Truth' as my folks here are making it out to be. New generation jets should be easy to maintain, since digital diagnostics is available to detect and troubleshoot problems. A similar system is inbuilt into our JF-17s, which makes it easier to maintain than our F-16A/Bs.

4) When anyone design a fighter (be it third, forth or fifth or anything in between and beyond) I think that they would definitely consider suitable weapon package (for different scenarios) this is not a defining criteria for fifth generation fighter. However, you if mentioned that if there will be more weapon packages available for greater number of different scenarios (A-A, A-G, A-S, etc) then, yeah maybe.

That is precisely what i meant.

You forget a major advantage compared with JSF: there won't be a STOVL version. :)

If the Chinese NAVY wants a STOVL version, i think that the Chinese aviation industry is capable of delivering one.

Okay, link us to any kind of official Chinese government site that lists these requirements as you have defined them.

If you are going to make a statement that this list is definitely a list for the Chinese 5th gen program, back it up with documentation.

I didn't claim that its 'definately a list of the Chinese 5th gen platform'. Please read my post once more.

Now, as AFB indicated, it is a good list...but I too believe that it is more of a laundry list of what they would like to achieve.

The most advanced aircraft builders in the world today, who have thrown hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars at the issue, have not gotten all of those items into a single engine.

First of all i am yet to find an engine that has costed 'hundreds of billions of dollars' (excuse my ignorance here). The vectoring nozzles are optional and are under development in China as far as i have read. Therefore i don't think that i have stated anything out of the blue.

It is highly unlikely, even to the point of being completely improbable that the Chinese aircraft engine industry is going to do so in the near future.

That is a pessimistic projection, i would chose to disagree with.

This does not mean they will not produce good engines, because I fully expect they's just that indicating that you have full faith that they are going to incorporate all of this within the foreseeable future is wistful thinking I am afraid.

We know that a WS-13A engine with 100kn of afterburning thrust is under development, so are vectoring nozzles. I do have faith in Chinese industry that they would have the ability to deliver such a power package by the time these jets make it to the final assembly lines. Both J-20 and 31001 are being built as modular platforms to support different engines as they see upgrades and improvements and new power packages come onboard.


Best Regards.
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Senior Member
F-35 will achieve supercruise capability. As far as i know, a new engine is under development for that purpose.

Otherwise good post, but this is very doubtful . F-35 shape is completely wrong for supercruise, and the engine would have to be significantly more powerful then current one to achieve that. In fact, they have problems with F-35 going supersonic even with afterburners and claimed top speed of 1.6 Mach is very difficult to achieve .

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Junior Member
Aviation experts.

5th generation platforms are defined by 5S doctrine.

* Stealth
* Supermaneuverability
* Supercruise
* Sensor fusion
* Survivability

Sorry to say, that is a load of bull.

What is stealth? it is relative, which angle? which perspective? to what sensor?

Super maneuverability; no fighter nowadays can out maneuver a WW1 fighter; whats super maneuverability? definitly the F35 have issues dog fighting a Typhoon or a Su-30/Mig-35

Supercruise, again, it is relative, heavily radar reduced fighters like the Typhoon, Rafale, Griphen can super cruise and are more maneuverable than a F35 or even maybe better/equal to a F22 as JG74 showed

sensor fusion, again is relative, no "fifth gen" fighter suite is better than a 4++ fighter.

Survivability, how? no 5 gen, or any fighter for that matter, will survive well with a missile up its ass, or several cannon holes. survivability was supposed to be provided by stealth, but why list it out as a separate thing?


Junior Member
Because the Raptor was designed as an 'Air Dominance Fighter', not as a 'Multirole Fighter'. The Skunkworks design philosophy was to create a jet that is capable of shooting down Soviet jets with AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles without being seen till an irreversible attrition rate is inflicted upon the enemy. Though Raptors were designed to be Air Dominance aircrafts, they do have the capability to deploy air to ground weapons but it wasn't built into the design philosophy of the raptor as a core requirement.

Your original statement was for a 5th gen fighter, not a 5th gen multi role fighter; so are you saying that a fighter can omit items from your list and still be a 5th gen fighter?

You see the fallacy of your statement?


Junior Member
Okay, link us to any kind of official Chinese government site that lists these requirements as you have defined them.

If you are going to make a statement that this list is definitely a list for the Chinese 5th gen program, back it up with documentation.

Now, as AFB indicated, it is a good list...but I too believe that it is more of a laundry list of what they would like to achieve.

The most advanced aircraft builders in the world today, who have thrown hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars at the issue, have not gotten all of those items into a single engine.

It is highly unlikely, even to the point of being completely improbable that the Chinese aircraft engine industry is going to do so in the near future.

This does not mean they will not produce good engines, because I fully expect they's just that indicating that you have full faith that they are going to incorporate all of this within the foreseeable future is wistful thinking I am afraid.

I have a hunch you might have said the same thing to someone who said "China will be testing 2 stealth fighters, an UCAV, a carrier based fighter and couple other new variants of existing fighters in five years" 5 years ago.

I certainly was.
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