Shenyang FC-31 / J-31 Fighter Demonstrator

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Lieutenant General
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Here they are ... but to admit, they are quite old and right from the maiden flight. I#m sure they were already posted here.

Anyway since they are so nice ... :p


  • J-31 landing 1.jpg
    J-31 landing 1.jpg
    58.8 KB · Views: 127
  • J-31 landing 2.jpg
    J-31 landing 2.jpg
    53.7 KB · Views: 104

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Here they are ... but to admit, they are quite old and right from the maiden flight. I#m sure they were already posted here.

Anyway since they are so nice ... :p

Well, whoever that throttle jockey is, he IS a PILOT, plenty of aft stick, nose nicely held off, and for the uninitiated, its not simply a matter of increasing the Pitch attitude, its called "energy management", you don't want to "drive it on", and you "fo show" don't want to have an aerodynamic stall anywhere on approach, that would "bust an airplane" and make you part of the "zombie apocalypse"i. This lad has that "educated butt", that the old hands called flying by the "seat of your pants", I love drogue chutes, I used to have one, till I tied it on the back bumper of my Jeep???? Maybe I could get one for the gixxer 1000. It would be nice to have "access" to some Chinese test pilot-aviator types, the Russians make their fly-boys celebrities??? maybe the Chinese should follow suite????

Now, if they get this chick up and going, she would prolly make a great air-show bird, for sure the Flanker is an awesome airshow aircraft as is the Raptor. But, I would give a Hundred bucks to watch Col. Max Moga put the J-20 through its paces, then we would know for sure about her one way or the other. Now there are two burning questions about the J-31, will it be placed in production, and will it get the WS-13s for a power upgrade, brat wants to know. And yes Shenyang, I will gladly accept the position of North American marketing manager for the J-31, pm me for my number. braaaatt out!

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Careful there brat.. Obama via NSA tap and Lockheed boys may have you Gitmoed for talking like that ;)

Yeah, wait till my Demo-Bird arrives at Springfield Capital Airport, in Central Obamastan,,,,, I told them to send my 100 business cards, don't worry, I'm gonna have em paint it in Thunderbird Livery, and unlike BHO, my birth certificate and my USAF part number branded on my right buttox is GENUINE MADE IN THE USA AIR FORCE BRAT!

Shen Yang told me not to crash it or they will charge my MasterCard and Visa, I told em no problemo, and since its a "stealth aircraft" I had it registered under my Central Obamastan Concealed Carry Permit. The boys at the 183rd told me I could park it in their Hanger!

and I'm wearing my RayBans

and DON'T tell the Honey Badger!

oh, and I slipped Lockheed a 50, and told them if they are helpful I might slip em my last benjamen????

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
You're referring to your 1:250 scale consignment, right Brat?

1/1 actually, powered by 12 briggs and Stratton turbo fans, they won't let me import the Russian Engines, and Pratt and Whitney, well lets just say they think we might be "competition", oh well, with twelve weed eater leaf blowers I think I will be able to take-off from my back-yard. LOL


Junior Member
New images of J31. Enjoy!

The weapon bay does look bigger than I expected.



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