Shenyang FC-31 / J-31 Fighter Demonstrator

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Uploaded with [U人民网北京9月23日电(杨铁虎、石霞)记者23日下午从中国航空工业集团公司(简称中航工业)获悉,国产先进战斗机概念(AFC)模型将首次亮相北京航展。




according to AVIC,this is not J-31,fighter temporary designate as AFC (advance fighter China?) or improve J-31?

AFC, I think, stands for Advanced Fighter Concept.


However, it is interesting to note that this aircraft is classified as a 4 gen aircraft and not a 5 gen aircraft and there is no mentioning of what is the powerplant, weapon capacity and combat radius, just the usual - "large" which can means anything.

Chinese 4th gen is Western 5th gen.


Lieutenant General
That's sort of a disappointment that this advanced fighter concept just turns out to be the J-31 in another name. The talk was it was going to have a large payload and long range. But then is this the reason the J-31 was saved where this version meets requirements?


My view is that this Advance Fighter Concept (AFC) IS the J-31. I mean is SAC going to put more resources into developing another stealth fighter just for the export market ? To me that doesn't make sense. The future of the J-31 is uncertain with the PLAAF and then they are going to put more money and man power into developing another stealth fighter for the export market that's even more uncertain. The model and the new name is just a marketing gimmick. The export version of the J-31 maybe somewhat different from China's own air force version or it may even have a different name but it is essentially the same plane. Or the name Advance Fighter Concept (AFC) is the official name for the J-31. Don't forget its the fanboys who gave the plane the name J-31 it didn't came from the SAC itself. And because the J-31 is uncertain with the PLAAF they are trying to push it for export.

And why do so many people believe that the J-31 is going to be a carrier based plane ? Didn't some senior admiral of the PLAN say that the Flankers will be the carrier plane of the PLAN in the foreseeable future ? I think that the PLAN would wait and see how the F-35 is going to do on the carriers with the Americans and the Brits before taking any decisions on carrier based stealth fighter.
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My view is that this Advance Fighter Concept (AFC) IS the J-31. I mean is SAC going to put more resources into developing another stealth fighter just for the export market ? To me that doesn't make sense. The future of the J-31 is uncertain with the PLAAF and then they are going to put more money and man power into developing another stealth fighter for the export market that's even more uncertain. The model and the new name is just a marketing gimmick. The export version of the J-31 maybe somewhat different from China's own air force version or it may even have a different name but it is essentially the same plane. Or the name Advance Fighter Concept (AFC) is the official name for the J-31. Don't forget its the fanboys who gave the plane the name J-31 it didn't came from the SAC itself. And because the J-31 is uncertain with the PLAAF they are trying to push it for export.

And why do so many people believe that the J-31 is going to be a carrier based plane ? Didn't some senior admiral of the PLAN say that the Flankers will be the carrier plane of the PLAN in the foreseeable future ? I think that the PLAN would wait and see how the F-35 is going to do on the carriers with the Americans and the Brits before taking any decisions on carrier based stealth fighter.

I agree. Though we probably should have at least heard a little something about the CAC bid for the PLAAF "light/medium" 5th generation fighter by now (even just Internet chatter).
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