Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and Global South strategic cooperation


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New Nepal government is making overture to Chinese government to lessen their debt load and to allow TikTok back in

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that can't be making the Indians happy.

And Indian media now has to report that India has to allow Chinese investment again even though China has made no concessions after 2020 border clashes



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Chinese company HaiXi heavy machinery has shipped first batch of 75t-72m Quay cranes to Egypt Damietta Alliance Container Terminal. Has lifting height of 57.5m. Allowing this container terminal to operate a total capacity of 3.3 million standard containers.


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Is there anybody from Vietnam or South Korean who can answer a question regarding the Vietnamese and Korean names in Chinese characters? Both countries have abolished Chinese characters, people's names are all printed and written in alphabetic scripts. But it seems that their names when written in Chinese media are all real Chinese instead of transliteration or transcription. Do both countries maintain some kind of dictionary officially for this purpose? So when people need, such as the case of visiting Vietnamese president, they can give China their names in non-ambigious form?
I am not either, or fluent in these, but just because they changed the script, the original characters have not changed. That goes for both languages. Taking a common surname in all three languages 黄 - 황 (Hwang) in Korean - Huỳnh or Hoàng in Viet. There is no ambiguity.

In both languages most given names still have Chinese roots and follow Chinese conventions, therefore can be directly translated without ambiguity.

Interesting note: Something I learned recently. Historically, Korea used to also follow this convention the other way (direct translation of names from Chinese to Korean-Chinese), so all historical figures, literary characters, etc. use this convention. However, in modern times they are using phonetics.


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^ This, exactly. Iran is no match if US decides its time. However, it'll set US back years in terms of trying to contain China.
At this point, US is the one fighting to not be contained by China.

China has it's golden billion under safe control in the largest economy in the world while being resource and energy self sufficient. It has no shortage of willing cannon fodders that it can keep throwing at US to contain them.

Remember the US empire needs EU + SK + Japan to stand on equal ground as China. America only has 330 million population, and nearly all of US empire's best industry is in SK and Japan, since these territories are more innovative and have closer proximity to the big 1.

If China castrates Asia and/or EU from US, the situation for America will be like Republic of China after they lost Manchuria to Japan.


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At this point, US is the one fighting to not be contained by China.

China has it's golden billion under safe control in the largest economy in the world while being resource and energy self sufficient. It has no shortage of willing cannon fodders that it can keep throwing at US to contain them.

Remember the US empire needs EU + SK + Japan to stand on equal ground as China. America only has 330 million population, and nearly all of US empire's best industry is in SK and Japan, since these territories are more innovative and have closer proximity to the big 1.

If China castrates Asia and/or EU from US, the situation for America will be like Republic of China after they lost Manchuria to Japan.
I don't want to sound Triumphant BUT its game over for the Collective West when China and Russia had their union, Its a marriage made in Heaven. Japan, the Netherlands and SK will become a yesterday technology in 2 to 3 years, while China compare to America had reach parity and even exceed the US in certain technology except for the mass production of aircraft engine. That's the current situation we are in and China and Russia will continue to improve because they are facing an existential threat while the US lives off from her legacy hegemonic technology fleecing her vassals and weakening them.


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At this point, US is the one fighting to not be contained by China.

China has it's golden billion under safe control in the largest economy in the world while being resource and energy self sufficient. It has no shortage of willing cannon fodders that it can keep throwing at US to contain them.

Remember the US empire needs EU + SK + Japan to stand on equal ground as China. America only has 330 million population, and nearly all of US empire's best industry is in SK and Japan, since these territories are more innovative and have closer proximity to the big 1.

If China castrates Asia and/or EU from US, the situation for America will be like Republic of China after they lost Manchuria to Japan.
Japan is on its way back down to its historical status, that is a backwater in the greater sinosphere.


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There is some good stuff coming into play here with Turkey who is looking to attract Chinese investment for access to their rare earth deposits. And it looks like China is investing in their renewable energy sector also.

All at same time they are looking to join BRICS and SCO.