SD Forum suggestions and questions

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
There are blog features and calendars???

Yep..Right on that tool bar near the top of the page. Nobody uses them. See that tool bar under your user name??. Blogs and calender are to the left on that tool bar. Just click on blog or will not see much. The blog feature does work.


Why does Sinodefenceforum get off-line so often? It happened almost every other day.

Btw, my suggestions:

1. Shorter sentence line. No need to read from one end of screen to the other end.

2. Clicking on one of the thread would go straight to the last page or the more current page.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Quickie you can go to the latest post in a thread by clicking on this >>> <<< icon that appears before many new post on the home page.

As for SDF being off line. I have that problem about twice a month. In fact I had it today. Webmaster needs to check into that.:(

And your pages stretching out to one sentence. I do not have that problem. Perhaps it is a setting problem on your end.



Funny, the off-line problems only happened to this web-site while every other web-sites I tried worked beautifully without any hitch.

How to describe this?:confused: I meant the sentence line stretching from left end of the screen to the right end and then wrapping back to the left end and repeating this for the rest of post. Anyway, that's probably just me since no other person seem to be complaining.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Gents, I've sent a email to the webmaster with a list of the problems we are having here. Hopefully he can repair them.
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