SD Forum suggestions and questions

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The Troll Hunter
Staff member
Hello Folks,

I am working on these issues and should have them fixed today? Please be patient.


bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Webby,, a member sent me this PM. I do not have this problem. Does anyone else??:confused:

kliu0 said:
I've noticed that when I was trying to post replies, it requires a second time to log in, even though I'm already logged in. Is it a bug? or is it a new security feature.


The Troll Hunter
Staff member
Guys, is down, the forum pulls some information from there. That is why you experience slowness. I will move that data over so we dont depend on it.

About re-logging in, that is an issue which I am working on. For now, Please click the "REMEMBER ME" check box when you login.


bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Guys, is down, the forum pulls some information from there. That is why you experience slowness. I will move that data over so we dont depend on it.

About re-logging in, that is an issue which I am working on. For now, Please click the "REMEMBER ME" check box when you login.


thanks for this information webby. I hope it's back and up and running properly soon!

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Is there a reason my posts must wait for moderation in the EU embargo thread? They come right up here.

New members when posting with links included and having less than 15 post face moderation. I just got home from work I'll take care of your post.


edit. 5 minutes later..I cannot moderate your post. My ability to moderate has a glitch. I'll check with the webmaster. Be patient..

15 minutes later. Problem solved. Armand2REP, once you reach 15 post you should not have anymore moderated post. So you've got only three to go! So sorry for any inconvenience.
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