If yes then Scotland could become one of the Richest parts of Europe. Scotland has the North sea oil which the Brits have been letting sit. If a independent Scottish Government steps up they could open that oil up and crank up the revenues. Part of the pro independence movement is the argument that Scotland should follow Norway's oil model.
the British army at first. The Brits would lease there equipment to the new Scottish armed forces. But as to action. Another of the grudges that the independence movement points to is that Scotland has no say in there troops being deployed. So if they do go it alone then its likely Scottish forces will be more of a case by case then the UK and US.
the Kilt is not unique to Scotland its common across both Britannia and Ireland.
A independent Scotland would likely be grandfathered in to NATO and would start out compliant with all Nato norms... Except maybe there small arms. The British government spec 5.56x45mm used in the L85 rifle tend to be under powered vs true NATO spec.
Well I believe I am at the forefront of this subject since I live in Scotland was born here and will have a say in the vote so what I believe is directly relevant to the outcome of the referendum
I have visited the Holyrood spoken to Alex Salmond and had lengthy decisions with Joe Fitzpatrick MSP for the West end of my city I can talk all day on this subject so if anyone has any question fire away I will try and answer
And lastly I will not be saying weather I am voting for and against what Scotland's people vote is their business no one else's
You make some valid points, yes we can become rich and it's hard for us to see the billions of oils revenue go down the drain in Downing Street but at the same time Scotland gets billions in subsides from England check read up on the Scottish farmers how much subsides they receive every year also our academic institutes get funding from all English grants we loose a lot of income from England if we go independent, will oil revenues cover the lot? Maybe for a short time but not the long term
Regarding the military a independent Scotland will have a force in line with Scottish needs meaning a force only to police Scotland that's it no power projection beyond our borders currently ofF the top of my head Scotland puts in something like £2.5 billion into UK defence budget a independent Scotland will only need to spend around £1.5 to police our own borders saving us already £1 billion per year
Scotland would like to stay in NATO but if they have to leave they will they want to stay in EU but will have to apply for membership they are not going to any preferential treatment nor do we want to be treated that like anyway
Only problem with joining the EU it takes only one country to say no and country's like Spain who are already weary of their own independent states proclaiming referendums like Granada etc will certainly not want to allow Scotland into the EU if it becomes independent