Here's the video where this came from.
I think some of the fancier hardware such as the t90-m being brought to Ukraine is insignificant as they are a supporting element in the Russian battalions, they fulfill the same role as an upgraded t72. We have seen the way the Russians use their armor in 2014, experiences in syria, and now, some interesting parts is how some of them even fly drones above their own tanks (a lesson learned from syria) to determine where enemy fire is coming from. In general the tanks are used in a few ways:
- Skirmishing (taking potshots at long range)
- Defending artillery (The main fighting power of their ground troops)
- Storming enemy entrenched positions after artillery suppression
- Suppressing entrenched enemies in urban environments as a spearhead in tandem with arty
(APCs also fulfill similar roles, with the difference that they can carry troops and are not armed the same as a tank)
Whether it's some kind of upgraded t-72 or t-90 I think these tanks fulfill the same roles in the grand scheme of things. Though on a tactical level it will be an upgrade for the roles I mentioned above, a superior tank afterall doesn't hurt.