Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Sometime too much propaganda would backfire.
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How do they not realize that doing this can also inspire the opposite effect?
I'm sorry but these two posts belong to the Ukraine Military News thread. Keep this thread related to Russian military news.



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Just today realised that Russia doesn't have any destroyers assign to their Black sea fleet
Destroyers? I think there's 1 or 2 in the Med. Who knows if Turkey will let them in to the Black Sea since that's not their home port.

Russia only has like 9 or 10 destroyers in service and most are over 21+ years old and are serving in the Pacific and Northern Fleets.

Even though they've all undergone some form of MLU, you can argue that Russian FFGs are their most advanced surface vessels they currently have in service. Russian Navy is really a shell of it's former Soviet self.


Registered Member
Destroyers? I think there's 1 or 2 in the Med. Who knows if Turkey will let them in to the Black Sea since that's not their home port
The other two Slavas are in the Med, along with two Udaloys, a Grigorovich and a Gorshkov.

All three Grigorovich belong to the BSF


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Merely a brain dump on some possibilities of what befell Moskva, given what little information we have about the sinking. Suffice it to say, this is a huge embarrassment for Russia regardless of what actually happened to her.

Clues and information favoring the Ukrainian Neptune strike theory:
  • Ukrainian sources reported of the attack before Russian sources stated that an explosion had occurred onboard
  • US intelligence corroboration
  • There is no direct denial of a missile attack by Russian government mouthpieces
Clues and information favoring the accident/mishap theory:
  • Ukraine claims that two Neptunes were used in the strike. These are YJ-82/Harpoon/Kh-35-class weapons that are extremely unlikely to bring down a Slava-class-sized vessel by themselves. It has been speculated that the missiles set off secondary detonations, mainly among the deckside P-1000 missiles. However, there is no way that anyone on the Ukrainian side would've been able to ascertain this claim, and the Russians have not released any further details of the explosions.
  • Ukraine claims that it "distracted" the air defense systems of the cruiser with drones. If this is true, then that means that at least a portion of the ship's radars and SAM platforms were active and operating; it is very unlikely that they were unable to deal with simultaneous threats of drones and incoming AShMs. Ukraine has not demonstrated the capability to field drone swarms.
  • Back to the drones...such drones tasked with confusing a ship's ADS would surely be equipped with a camera. Which means that if their claims are true, there surely would be photos of the cruiser following the missile attack. Given the propensity of Ukrainian media to post photos/videos of their attacks on Russian forces, why have we not seen photos of the actual ship post-attack?
  • Historical precedent of misinformation: remember what happened to the Vasily Bykov?
I'd like to point out that it is in Russia's interest to keep this under wraps, assuming that it did get hit by an Ukrainian missile, unlike the Belgorod situation. The attack on Belgorod could be used by Russian propaganda and spun as an attack on a civilian target, whereas the cruiser enjoys no such designation. Moreover, losing a capital ship named after the freakin' capital to a country without a damn navy rings a different bell than a measly cross-border raid by helicopters.

The only way for this to be settled is if either Russia or Ukraine releases videos/photos of the damaged vessel or a dive is attempted to assess the wreckage.

I don't buy the distraction theory because ship radars are capable of tracking hundreds if not thousands of targets simultaneously. Even with an outdated radar it can still handle targets by the dozens. In order to blind the ship, the drone needs to be carrying ECM or throw chaff over the ship.

Another thing that despite the ship radars being obsolete, there are two search radars there that are back to back arrays. The smaller back array on the Top Pair and Top Sail radars have different and higher frequency, which you will also need to jam separately.

I can easily buy the accident theory because the Russian Navy has a well documented history of having fatal fires and deadly accidents. One that happens too often for a competent navy.
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Registered Member
The other two Slavas are in the Med, along with two Udaloys, a Grigorovich and a Gorshkov
One Slava is in the Arctic which is the most upgraded, and the other one is in the Pacific Fleet. No Udaloys and Gorshkovs for support either. There are three Grigorovich and a handful of modern corvettes but no Project 20380/3/5 among them. These ships have been doing damage with Kaliber missiles--said to attack and damage or destroy the Slovakian S-300--- and the PLAN needs to be studying these as examples. One of the frigates blooded the Shtil VLS SAM with a Bayraktar kill, the first for the system.
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