This looks feasible enough, other than the obvious lack of close in weaponry. No Kashtan/navalised Pantsir as a third defensive tier?
Of course there is,This looks feasible enough, other than the obvious lack of close in weaponry. No Kashtan/navalised Pantsir as a third defensive tier?
fanbois beefed her up since then, LOLthe stringent test of the line from Thursday at 9:30 PM
would be
if ever refurbished, in the process which is ... dragging (now they say
they'll finish in 2021 LOL)
I now looked at this relatively modest fan-art:
(it's relatively modest when compared to other fan-art)
УКСК (= универсальный корабельный стрельбовый комплекс)
3 ВПУ (= вертикальная пусковая установка), 48 cells in each, total 144 cells
it basically means VLS for Kalibrs, possibly other cruise missiles in the future
ЗРК (= зенитный ракетный комплекс)
"Редут" (as in )
5 ВПУ as above, 5*48=240 cells
it basically means area-defense missile system (anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense)
the sum would be whopping 384 cells
had they installed just six arrays, they would've been (with 6*48=288 tubes while displacing 28k) close to the line:
Sorry, but you post does not reflect reality in the least as respects the topic it was about and you responded to.
The fact is, more and more countries are buying the F-35A and F-35B...lots more.
The us has all three versions out and flying, with the F-35A and the F-35B already in the operational mode of the aircraft.
You have numerous countries buying the F-35B to counter other potentially aggressor nations aircraft carriers and doing that with much smaller carriers that can launch and sustain the F-35B, a 5th generation, stealth, strike fighter that has shown better than expected maneuverability, and shown the advertised and expected data fusion and cost decreases.
Japan will have two Isumo carriers with each carrying 28-30 F-35Bs which will be able to take on and defeat the airwing of Chinese carriers with 48 J-15 (Advanced Su-33). The J-15 is a good fighter. It is however not going to be able to compete against the F-35B.
Korea is doing the same with its two Dokdo carriers.
Italy will do the same. The Royal Navy is doing the same with its two larger carriers capable of carrying up to 50 F-35Bs.
Spain is probably going to do the same. India would like to put at least one squadron of F-35Bs on their first two carriers, and it is possible that ultimately the Australians will do likewise. with their Canberras.
There are already upwards of 300 F-35As and Bs flying with various nations and the numbers a going to grow quickly. Why?
Because these nations are not stupid, and they are not just trying to pad Lockheed's pockets. They see the results and realize that those results and capabilities are critical for the defense of their nations. Not just because they want to "please" America. Such foolish notions will not defend a nation...but proven capabilities of aircraft that have advanced, proven capabilities can and that is what is driving the F-35 procurement at this stage. They are seeing that the aircraft are very capable of doing precisely the things they need.
And I will bet you that the Chinese are puling out all of the stops to develop and procure, and deploy a 5th generation stealth aircraft for their carriers They almost have to do so at this stage.
The US is going to have 4-6 of its LHDs/LHAs configured to be escort carriers with up to 24 F-35Bs themselves. This allows the US to have its five super carriers for the Pacific (and five more for the European theater, 4-6 smaller American carriers with F-35Bs, two Japanese, (who are very capable of building two more even larger carriers if the Chinese continue to build them), two Korean, two and maybe three Indian, perhaps two Australian, two Italian, two Royal Navy, and One Spanish (and perhaps two).
I fail to see in what part of Jeff's post did he called China "aggressor" and Japan and the US as "peaceful". Jeff is perhaps the most apolitical person on this forum at any given time.It is still political.
Labelling China as "aggressor " and Japan and USA as "peaceful nation " is the expression of your political view .
The "wonderweapon" characteristic of the F-35 is due to the fact it behaved like a black hole, and moped up the best part of the R&D funding of the USA airforce.
There is no other modern fighter jet in the inventory, and the best part of the development of other jets was to cut back cost (glass cockpit) not to increase the capability.
The lack of basic air defence systems show how deeply deprived of funds of all other areas in the USA air force.
And generally, why you think that the Russians / Chinese/Indians/Iranians /Germans will play "fair" by the USA playbook, and try to fight sword to sword ?
The carrier based aircraft was very advanced in the 2nd WW, the pilot was the targeting computer and plane the bomb carrier, but these days the computers are fast and small, has eyes and ears, and can speak to each other.
I fail to see in what part of Jeff's post did he called China "aggressor" and Japan and the US as "peaceful". Jeff is perhaps the most apolitical person on this forum at any given time.
Frankly that is your personal opinion, the F-35B are not just constricted to Japan alone, with the wide spread sales of the F-35 you can likely point to any number of nations and groups that it will be potentially used.Right in post #7098... I'm going to assume that the aggressor nations are indeed Russia, China, Iran, etc the usual.
F-35B is obviously referring to Japanese ones and who are the nations nearby. Doesn't take much to put the pieces together. So in this case Anthv... has a point when he says "expression of (his) political view".
Frankly that is your personal opinion, the F-35B are not just constricted to Japan alone, with the wide spread sales of the F-35 you can likely point to any number of nations and groups that it will be potentially used.
The fact of Jeff saying that the purpose of the F-35 is for military use does not make his post political, just as much as China, Russia or Iran stating that their military equipment are for the same purpose as well. It's just another attempt by Anthv to twist the topic.
No I asked for descriptions of Jeff directly labeling specific countries as "aggressors" which you failed to do and instead drag up some vague personal assumptions based on your biases to put forth as facts.Hey you asked where those descriptions were and I told you since you're too lazy or dim to find it yourself. There is NOTHING to do with me on this discussion don't hide the facts you were corrected by distracting.
Anlsvrthng mentioned how describing the aggressor nations to the purchaser of the F-35B, in this case ACTUALLY DIRECTLY referring to Japan (errrgh you're tiresome) is a personal political position and reflective of Jeff's opinion. This is all factual and accurate. No one can fairly describe Japan's neighbour's as aggressor nations. More people exist who believe the exact opposite on this very subjective topic. Calling it out is fair. You seemed to have missed it, so I help you find it. Next time a thank you will do
No I asked for descriptions of Jeff directly labeling specific countries as "aggressors" which you failed to do and instead drag up some vague personal assumptions based on your biases to put forth as facts.
" No one can fairly describe Japan's neighbour's as aggressor nations"
Say that to NK who is merrily threatening nuclear warfare on Japan. But hey since it is not Russia, China or Iran it would not fit your nefarious agenda eh ?
Next time try to be more intelligent in your posting ?