If it ain't broken you don't need to fix it.
And Steregushchiy is 100% broken.
It is too large, too complex and too expensive for a coastal combatant.
Russia can't build enough of them at this rate.
20386 fixes it in a very straightforward way: it isn't a coastal combatant anymore. Building rates of 20380/5 are pitinful for coastal combatants, but for frigates they are barely acceptable.
Burke was a visionary design, supported by a very special geopolitical landscape and desire to save money, yet gain as many independent combatants as possible.
Steregushchiy doesn't fit this picture at all. Underdeveloped frigate without a f_cking kitchen, but with area defence AA instead. Especially new ones, with their incredibly expensive ESA masts.
It is just too much of a waste for what ultimately constitutes an 056a job.