After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the American block was sent in to actively exploit Russian markets, where there was an absence of Writ of State, and an abundance of corrupt business practices, in combination with rotten politicians who lined their pockets. If anyone's memory fails to recall, don't worry you can always take a look at what the American "Economic Hitmen" accomplished in Greneda, Niragua, Argentina, Panama, Columbia and Mexico.
Prior to that, the Bolshevik savages & butchers ravaged Russia for 100 years. After they had brutally murdered the Russian Monarchs, the Romanovs. Even the Russian people themselves, who had initially been brainwashed by the Bolsheviks, realized to their horror that they themselves supported butchers, revolted against the their new leaders. Soviet leadership were as stupid as they were blind, over stretching military spending, based on an Oil & Gas economy, whose medium of exchange currency was and still is (until recently) the US dollar. Spending on military hardware, starving your own people and in the process making your adversary even more powerful than it already is. Talk about being bonafide dumbasses, Soviet Bolshevik legacy is indeed something outta the twilight zone.
Fast forward to present time and an orchestrated Oil over supply by US and it's pet, the Saudi regime. Designed to specifically impede and grind to a halt, any possibility of Russia reaping the dividends of an Oil & Gas economy as the Middle East had for so many years. Then came the active and contrived meddling by US politicians to over throw Ukraine's democratically elected government. Forcing Russia to protect its interests in Crimea and take it back. Only direct access point for Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea and the very real possibility of losing an entire fleet command because of the Ukrainian Nationalists. Also, not to forget open threats to Europe, by US government not to buy Russian Oil & Gas. Instead offering its own LNG, which even the worst dumbass on this planet knows would be excruciatingly expensive to ship LNG across the Atlantic Ocean (in essence a permanent bee line of ships from US to EU) to fulfill Europe's energy requirements.
So in the period from 1917 to present day which is 120 years. The only time Russia has actually been in full control of its destiny, has been since Putin stepped in. And tend not to glorify men in power, because man has always been susceptible to fallacy. Yet, nature has its own way of correcting the imbalance. Even if it is 100 or so years late. Next time when some of you go on riding on a winged unicorn, over the vanilla skies in neverland ranch. Please do yourselves a favor and read some actual history for once. Not the garbage that usually is churned out from MSM and spoon fed to most.
And I get the feeling that freedom of speech doesn't mean squat to the high n mighty. Which is probably why my post will most likely (or most definitely get deleted) get removed. Or worse, I would get a warning or a ban, for my "Subversive" and "Belligerent" remarks. But at least I tried to reason with whom there seems no hope to reason with.
Let's see how right or wrong I am.