[QUOTE="Tu-22 offer close to zero added advantage for the opportunity costs. They also offer very little if anything in learning opportunities. That's like Mercedes trying to sell a 1992 S-class to Hyundai in 2018. Sure it was interesting at one point in time given certain prices, but just an absolute joke of an offer today. Mercedes however may like to use it as a marketing tool to show off and make the gullible believe how much more "advanced" they are. Reality is cruel to those whoe delude themselves and time corrects everything.
That's at least a simplification given that US Russian and Chinese AFs rely to 50-60 years old heavy bombers.Tu-16(H-6) is preferable from a supersonic strategic bomber capable of launching kh-22's?No. But nowdays seems a light at the tunnel, that maybe a decade from now PLA could introduce a domestic built strategic bomber...a decade. It's all about strategic orientation. Probably nowdays PLAF is not really interesting to deep penetration air attacks.
A few things wrong with this thinking.
1. You are assuming PLAAF (btw it's PLAAF not PLAF) will receive the newer strategic bomber/s in a decade. You have no idea when. Please don't pretend your baseless assumptions are facts. You probably know much less about these things than other posters so have some modesty and say it may be rather than ... a decade.
2. Kh-22s are next useless to China. Unless they find the product so effective, they copy it, why would they want another nation's weapons? If PLAAF wants Tu-22s will Russia supply as many Kh-22s are China wants? Working out the agreement will take several years.
3. These 50-60 year old bombers are actually built several years ago and still being built. They certainly are based on those half century old designs but they've all been upgraded to launch the newest weapons (e.g. H6K can air launch many of the current cruise missiles the Chinese armed forces would like it to launch). They have new avionics, electronics, and radars, most materials have been updated too.
4. Is upgraded H-6K manufactured at home preferable to a Tu-22 manufactured in Russia? Of course it is. What use is the Tu-22? China has no need for another non-stealthy bomber at the moment and has leaked at least one existing project that fills this role and is far more modern to the Tu-22. If they replace H-6K will Tu-22 because Tu-22 is more modern and capable. What is stopping them from replacing Tu-22 with H-20 or H-xx which will be stealthier and domestically manufactured.
5. Tu-22 cannot hope to perform any effective deep penetration air attacks lol. Supersonic is a cheap quality today. So what? Does supersonic mean it cannot be shot down by SAM or intercepted? The marginal advantages it will hold still won't prevent it from being intercepted and shot down with ease by any capable nation. Flying these large bombers around are basically a political ego stroker. As long as they are able to air launch the newest cruise missiles and hold enough munitions, they are effective, making Tu-22 and H-6K roughly equally effective to PLAAF despite the former being more capable on paper. Why do you think the USAF is building B-21 after B-2 as their most capable bomber? Why not replace it with something that resembles Tu-160/B-1/Tu-22 etc? Because if one is to spend the funds to get a few "capable" bomber to fill the role of "most capable" they do not want to go down that path.
If China wants a bomber to perform the "high end" duties they will need to get H-20/ H-xx. Tu-22 can only stay back and fire cruise missiles like H-6K. And the worst part of all this hypothetical is that China will need to constantly pay Russia for maintenance, ordinance, and parts. What a shocking way to burn money. B-21 is being built rather than restarting the manufacturing line for B-2 because that's been shut down decades ago. They still need upgraded B-2s so B-21 looks very similar except it probably has structural and aerodynamic improvements over the B-2, and definitely has better sensors, electronics, and other classified technologies. So if the USAF thinks this level of bomber is necessary to meet the Chinese and Russian defences, shouldn't Russia and China be aiming for that level of bomber to meet equally capable defences of other's? Both these nations certainly think so. Russia has PAK-DA project and China has two stealth bomber/attacker projects (maybe one is a striker of more limited range but it's for a regional projection anyway). Whether China wants to buy Tu-22 as a middle level bomber to reach island chains with speed, remains to be seen but it would be such a strange purchase if they did. Why not just buy the whole Russian arsenal of hardware that China doesn't have a 1:1 existing platform for?
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