Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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More woes for the Russian submarine force: Fire on board an Oscar class submarine while under overhaul:
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Fire breaks out on Russian nuclear submarine

VLADIVOSTOK, Russia (Reuters) - A fire burned for five hours on an atomic-powered submarine undergoing repairs near Russia's eastern port of Vladivostok on Monday, but naval and shipyard officials said there was no risk of a radiation leak and nobody was hurt.

Black smoke poured from the submarine Tomsk, which is powered by two nuclear reactors, after it caught fire at the Zvezda shipyard in Bolshoi Kamen, about 25 km (15 miles) across a bay from Vladivostok on the Sea of Japan, authorities said.

The fire was the second on board a Russian nuclear-powered submarine in less than two years.

"There is no threat of radioactive contamination," the state-run Itar-Tass news agency cited an unidentified official in Russia's Pacific Fleet command as saying. Regional emergency officials said radiation levels in the area were within the normal range.

After the fire was extinguished, firefighters continued to douse the area to ensure it did not flare up again, the state-owned United Shipbuilding Corporation, which operates the shipyard, said in a statement.

It said there were no casualties and both reactors had been shut off and were in "safe condition". The firm also said there had been no weapons aboard the ship, which normally carries up to 24 guided missiles, when the fire broke out.

When a blaze engulfed the atomic-powered Yekaterinburg at a shipyard in northwestern Russia in December 2011, official statements said there had been no nuclear missiles on board the sub, but a respected magazine later cited several unnamed sources as saying this was untrue.

Navy sources said on Monday that, in addition to two firefighting vessels, a ship that monitors radiation levels had been sent to the area, Russian news agencies reported.

The fire started in a ballast area of the submarine during welding works after an acetylene torch was used to cut through a grate, setting a rubber seal, cables and paint on fire, RIA cited an unnamed official at the shipyard as saying.


Tyrant King
I am not going to even try and translate now I will later when its not 1 Am here. But here is the gist of it. The newly merged Kalashnikov holdings has just sold the Russian army the AK12. That's right boys and girls the Russians are going to field the latest of the AK series. AK 12 is not just a AK100 with rails.its.a.modern weapon with ambi controls updated sights mil spec rails, multi caliber including.5.45, 5.56, 7.62 in both NATO and classic Ak, 9x39, 12 gauge and potentially more. It has a ejection port on both sides of the receiver. And may be available at a latter date in compact barrel lengths (I would bet 9.3 inches and 12.3 inches conforming to the AKS74U and AK105 respectively) it takes the latest of the Russian GP series grenade launcher and has both 30 round and 60 round magazines. The icing on the cake a adjustable folding butt stock. As part of the Russian ratnik program we may begin seeing optical gunsights on the AK12s too the Russians have a number of indigenous units that fit the bill.


Tyrant King
You must think in Russian
АК-12 нового поколения встанет на вооружение российской армии в 2014 году
17 сентября 2013

АК-12 нового поколения встанет на вооружение российской армии в 2014 годуАвтоматы Калашникова нового поколения калибром 5.45 и 7.62 миллиметра, а также большой перечень другого стрелкового вооружения поступит на снабжение российской армии в 2014 году, сообщил журналистам заместитель председателя Военно-промышленной комиссии (ВПК) при правительстве РФ Олег Бочкарев.

"Начиная с 2014 года в армию пойдут новые автоматы, пистолеты, пулеметы, снайперские винтовки. Будет и АК-12 - две модели автомата в калибре 5.45 и 7.62, поэтому аббревиатура автомата Калашникова сохранится", - сказал он в эфире радиостанции "Эхо Москвы".

По словам зампреда ВПК, "Завод имени Дегтярева" (Ковров, Владимирская область) также подготовил для российских военных "два серьезных изделия калибра 5.45 и 7.62". "Это два калибра, которые за десятилетия доказали свое право на существование, и мы считаем, что нет никакой необходимости придумывать новые калибры, это все от лукавого", - добавил Бочкарев.

Он напомнил, что в РФ уже около 10 лет реализовывается программа утилизации устаревших вооружений и военной техники. "Сегодня накопленные запасы в том числе сдерживают новые заказы, потому что новая техника должна куда-то прийти, ее надо где-то размещать", - отметил замглавы ВПК.
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for those of us who never learned to. there is always Google.

AK-12 will be on the new generation of Russian army in 2014
September 17, 2013

AK-12 will be on the new generation of Russian army in 2014Kalashnikovs new generation of caliber 5.45 and 7.62 millimeters, as well as a long list of other small arms goes to supply the Russian army in 2014, said the deputy chairman of the Military Industrial Commission (MIC) of the Government of the Russian Federation Oleg Bochkarev.

"Beginning in 2014, the army will new assault rifles, pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles. Will and AK-12 - two models of machine in the caliber of 5.45 and 7.62, so the abbreviation Kalashnikov continues," - he said on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" .

According to the deputy chairman of the military-industrial complex, "the Degtyarev Plant" (Carpets, Vladimir region) are also prepared for the Russian military, "the two major items 5.45 and 7.62." "It's two caliber, who for decades have proven their right to exist, and we believe that there is no need to invent new calibers, this is all from the evil one" - added Bochkarev.

He recalled that in Russia for nearly 10 years, the program is being implemented recycling of obsolete weapons and military equipment. "Today, the accumulated holdings including holding back new orders, because the new technique should be somewhere to come, it must be placed somewhere," - said the deputy head of the military-industrial complex.


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Russia is encountering the same challenges as China when taking prototype systems to full scale production. I suspect China will ultimately have the advantage in working through it with available funding and recent lessons learned in getting J-10A/B, J-11/15 variants and WS-10 off the ground in numbers.

Does not leave India in a good position as their contribution is financial and their air wings are to be formed up from limited assembly kits produced in Russia.



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Russia is encountering the same challenges as China when taking prototype systems to full scale production. I suspect China will ultimately have the advantage in working through it with available funding and recent lessons learned in getting J-10A/B, J-11/15 variants and WS-10 off the ground in numbers.

Does not leave India in a good position as their contribution is financial and their air wings are to be formed up from limited assembly kits produced in Russia.

Current developments in the Middle East will lead to an end of UN sanctions against Iran, make it a likely early member of SCO and a likely buyer of this aircraft. 50?


Tyrant King
Current developments in the Middle East will lead to an end of UN sanctions against Iran, make it a likely early member of SCO and a likely buyer of this aircraft. 50?

that's rather optimistic. There is no evidence of real change in Iran only another new sock puppet on the hand of the supreme leader buying time for the Iranian nuclear weapons program. Although Iran has managed to weasel its way on into the human rights and chemical. Weapons compliance commissions its still non compliment.


Junior Member
Current developments in the Middle East will lead to an end of UN sanctions against Iran, make it a likely early member of SCO and a likely buyer of this aircraft. 50?

T-50/PAK-FA won't be available to export prior to the situation being resolved (I expect some level of detente will be achieved once Iran confirms it is break-out capable or has a limited number of devices to guard against strikes). First units of T-50 will go to Russia with kits to India thereafter. Initial production rates toward the end of the decade will be low, assuming no delays push IOC into early 2020's.

Russia has come to an arrangement with the primary Iranian adversaries (Israel/US & Saudi Arabia) not to supply further arms. However if the landscape were to change vis-a-vis Syria or some other development, Russia could sell Sukhoi's and S-300 systems under the guise of them being defensive in nature.



Wonder which Mr. Bogdan prefers ;)



Tyrant King
BMPT-72 Terminator-2
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Okay New Wheeled Joint Franko Russo vehicle
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Another event Vlad inspects New AK and shoots dissident... okay may be not
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Kalashnikov products and Ratnik
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And dead center is a shot of the New AK12 and some third world dictators silver SVD
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