How many NATO subs and satellites are following the Russian CVN battle group?
I doubt the satilites are following it they kinda move to fast. but they are watching it no doubt. The Kuz though is just there as pageantry to Show the flag.
Interesting... the number Sat. capable do maritime reconnaissance is much less important than during Cold War, have decreased as all... Russians have very few, some and China possible now severals ?
EDIT : i have do a little research 3/4 years ago not completely exact... i have 11 US Satelittes capable for it KH-11, Lacrosse etc... and 6 Russians, Yantar.
In more with different orbites even if you have 10 sat only a part can detected so few are really on the good trajectory, i think and there you can see advantage of MPA.
In addition normaly you can' t detected a submarine with a satelitte and for ice : both Sat and a MPA can't detect under compact ice, not drifting, a reason why Soviet have do a Bastion in area btw Barents Sea up to Greenland close Spitzberg, for compensate than their subs are more detectable.
In other Sov. SSBN Bastion in Okhotsk Sea protected by Kuril Islands you don' t have compact ice just drifting ice.
The Seawolf are build especialy for going in this area and track Sov. SSBNs with a big weapons load, 50 weapons coz a long distance from ports and allow more attacks before reloading, more long time in mission.
Ofc Seawolf can do other mission but designed in first for these mission.
I think even a surface ships can' t detect a submarie under ice, i mean a surface ship without enter in the ice sea close the limit and the sub in.