This is for combined Ka-52 and Mi-8 700 production per year. it gives rough idea how big numbers are these. Russia may well be largest producer of airborne AESA radars now. Heli engines production is very recent like only 10 years old history.
how much technology has advanced since this report was written when Shoigu said R&D is now ten times faster for new developments.
Russia to manufacture 700 engines for Ka-52 in 2024
"In 2024, 700 serial engines of the VK-2500 type (these are Ka-50 helicopters and Mi-8 helicopters and their modifications) were manufactured. A multiple increase in production volumes," he said at the All-Russian conference "Fuel Combustion: Theory, Experiment, Applications."
how much technology has advanced since this report was written when Shoigu said R&D is now ten times faster for new developments.
The fifth generation is being knocked out: Mi-28NM helicopters will be turned into fighters // The newest machines will receive missiles capable of hitting any air targets
Armed with a pair of R-74M, the helicopter will be able to operate from external target designation from ambushes. At the same time, the capabilities of the newest ammunition allow firing without establishing visual contact with the aircraft, as they say, "from around the corner." The homing head is capable of locking on to the target after launch. In such a scenario, even the newest stealth fighters could become vulnerable to rotary-wing aircraft.
As Izvestia reported earlier, the Mi-28NM crew has developed target designation and indication systems built into the flight helmets, which use augmented reality technology. Using laser beams, all the information the pilot needs at the moment is projected onto the plastic protective visor: a map, intelligence data, information about the state of the aircraft. Messages about the position of an air target received from the air defense command post or the AWACS aircraft are also displayed on it.
Helicopter pilots can also independently detect the enemy using an improved optical-electronic system. According to the developer, its effective range has been doubled. It is also planned to be able to interact with the missile onboard the radar. The Mi-28NM
"Super Hunter"
is a deep modernization of the Mi-28N "Night Hunter". One of the main innovations that appeared in the machine is the above-hub radar station. Its antenna-receiver-transmitter part is located above the rotor and covered with a special spherical fairing. This allows it to obtain an image of the terrain, hiding in the uneven terrain and remaining invisible to enemy radars.