Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Junior Member
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It is still kind of weak in terms of air defense after the upgrade. Only short range air defenses. It was originally designed for ASW. At least it can use the latest surface strike weapons and has modernized sensors and electronics. The Kh-35 has also mostly fallen out of favor with the Russian Navy who want longer range strike weapons. It is kind of silly when one rinky dinky corvette like the Buyan can outrange it.
I would like to remind you that in the upgrade to Marshal Shaposhnikov, in position "B" where the second old 100mm artillery turret was previously located, VLS were placed to be able to use different types of 16 missiles : Kalibr, Oniks, Zircon, Otvet.
I think that the Kh-35 Uran should be considered as something more to be used possibly towards smaller targets at medium distances.
Therefore the attack and defense capabilities (the Shaposhnikov maintains the 8x8 and modernized VLS for air defense) are infinitely superior to the small Buyans and beyond.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I would like to remind you that in the upgrade to Marshal Shaposhnikov, in position "B" where the second old 100mm artillery turret was previously located, VLS were placed to be able to use different types of 16 missiles : Kalibr, Oniks, Zircon, Otvet.
Sure, but there were prototypes of slanted UKSK launchers they could have used instead of Uran. Yet they never put them in service.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Sure, but there were prototypes of slanted UKSK launchers they could have used instead of Uran. Yet they never put them in service.
they preferred to install the VLS for Kalibr and others, and fill the space left by the landing of the 2 quadruple tubes for SSN-14 with the Kh-35, also evaluating the weights removed and added in the modernization, as well as having available, to hit some types of targets, missiles costing much less than the various Kalibr, Oniks, etc. transported in the new VLS.


Senior Member
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Satellite imagery from Planet Labs shows apparent failure of the RS-28 Sarmat at Plesetsk

View attachment 136232
Some sources reveal that the test was actually the use of a Sarmat with an Avangard hypersonic warhead, which does not have an explosive charge, but has a kinetic destructive power equivalent to 18 tons of TNT.

The Avangard is a hypersonic glide warhead that can be carried as a payload by the heavy ICBMs UR-100UTTKh, R-36M2 and, what interests us in this case, by the RS-28 Sarmat. There are certain "rumors" that Putin is not planning a nuclear response, if the use of long-range missiles is authorized for Ukraine, the idea would be to use this powerful warhead with an equivalent of 18 tons of TNT.

If this intention is real (something I considered some time ago but preferred to remain silent), this would be an order of magnitude worse than the use of the Kinzhal, which has a warhead with an equivalent of 1 ton of TNT in its conventional (kinetic) version.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It is possible they could use the conventional armed Avangard in Ukraine yes. It could be used to strike a hardened target. Like some sort of underground bunker, the rail tunnels in Western Ukraine, or something like that.