Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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The Russian design bureau "MiS", the developer of the MiS-35 hexacopter, has developed the "Guide" system to return the drone to the departure point in the event of a complete loss of communication with the operator. The Guide system ensures that the drone returns to the starting point, even if there is a complete loss of communication with the operator under operating conditions of electronic warfare systems. The system does not use GPS, which can be jammed using electronic warfare, but works on the principles of inertial navigation. In the event of loss of communication between the UAV and the operator, the Guide system takes the drone away from the range of electronic warfare systems, ensuring operation in critical situations. So far, the system only works with the Russian MiS-35 hexacopter.

Thats quiet a smart solution the moment the drones loses complete connection it can just reverse course and reconnect or land at its departure point.


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Russian sappers have begun using drones to clear mines. First, the UAV operator detects an explosive object and determines its type. After that, a TNT charge with a fuse cord is attached to the drone’s release device. The length of the cord is calculated depending on the distance and flight time to the detected ammunition. The drone drops explosives and quickly moves away to a safe distance. Thus, sappers destroy planted explosive devices without risk to personnel.



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Russian sappers have begun using drones to clear mines. First, the UAV operator detects an explosive object and determines its type. After that, a TNT charge with a fuse cord is attached to the drone’s release device. The length of the cord is calculated depending on the distance and flight time to the detected ammunition. The drone drops explosives and quickly moves away to a safe distance. Thus, sappers destroy planted explosive devices without risk to personnel.

Way better than using a stick !



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Checking manufacturers of kamikaze drones in Russia. In Russia, inspections of the work and implementation of the state defense order for the production of attack and reconnaissance UAVs by enterprises in the country continue. The Russian Minister of Defense visited the enterprises of the ZALA AERO group of companies specializing in the production of kamikaze drones “Lancet” and “Cube” and the “Unmanned Systems” enterprise, which produces multi-purpose Supercam UAVs; videos about all drones are on the channel. During a visit to the ZALA AERO group of companies, the minister was informed that the Lancet drones had been improved taking into account their application. New developments have made it possible to link all the company’s drones into a single system capable of effectively hitting enemy targets in an automated manner. The production of drones has reportedly already increased 10 times.
The minister was also informed that the production of high-precision weapons, including Vikhr-1 guided missiles, Kitolov-2 guided artillery shells and Strela anti-aircraft guided missiles, is planned to be doubled.



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Personnel training of Russian crews of the Basurmanin infantry fighting vehicle. BMP-1AM "Basurmanin" was first presented in 2020; the infantry fighting vehicle is considered one of the best options for modernizing first-generation military equipment. Instead of a turret with a 73-mm 2A28 "Grom" smoothbore cannon, the BMP-1AM "Basurmanin" is equipped with a combat module with a 30-mm stabilized automatic gun 2A72, which has a more advanced combined sight. The Metis anti-tank missile system is used to combat enemy armored targets. In addition, the Russian BMP-1AM is equipped with the “Tucha” system, which allows the installation of camouflage aerosol curtains. In the BMP, the old radio station R-123M was replaced with R-168-25U-2 with improved characteristics. Also, the Basurmanin BMP has become more mobile compared to the first generation BMP-1, due to the installation of a UTD-20S1 engine and torsion shafts with increased energy intensity. In addition, the buoyancy and movement of the vehicle through water was improved due to the installation of displacement wings. The Basurmanin infantry fighting vehicle is equipped with a 300 hp engine. The maximum speed of the infantry fighting vehicle on the highway is 65 km/h. Fuel range up to 550 km. During the production of the BMP-1, from 1966 to 1983, at least 20 thousand combat vehicles were produced. According to 2018 data, about 1,000 infantry fighting vehicles are in service with the Russian Guard and about 7,000 are in the storage of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In addition, about 7,000 BMP-1s continue to be used by the armed forces of 30 countries.



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Russian Prometheus complex, robotization of armored vehicles. Russia has begun a full cycle of testing the Prometheus software and hardware complex, capable of converting any armored vehicle, including tanks, armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles into a remote-controlled robotic vehicle. The complex was developed by the Signal Research Institute. Military equipment equipped with the Prometheus complex is capable of moving along given coordinates without the participation of an operator, autonomously determining the best route, successfully avoiding obstacles, and also quickly processing information received using technical vision. The Prometheus complex is designed for installation on any serial model of military equipment. For example, on the BMP-3 it allows robotic functions of the driver and gunner. At the same time, the Prometheus complex does not affect the ergonomics of the cabin - standard seats for the crew remain inside.
