Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Those equipments will rot in storage anyways. That stockpile advantage will last much longer. May as well let them go out with a bang by solving the Ukraine issue. The expectation is by 2025, Russia may begin to suffer shortage, but western support will suffer more severe shortage than Russia. As of 2024, this seems to be true.

Russian navy is just LOL at this point. It should give up the superpower navy ambition and settle for only self defense and subs for nuclear triad. Let PLAN do the heavy lifting from now.
Russian Navy has longer range weopons. Even small Corvette or Kilo subs can hit target basically everywhere in Africa and Europe. they have base in Syria. Much larger and capable Airlifters to supply that base. US is using Cruise missiles and Fighters with standoff weopons backed by larger land base aircraft like P-8. Effectiveness of Navy is its Land and Aerial support.
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if you use that logic that than much larger force of Tu-160M2/Tu-142/A-50U will add to Russian Navy more than adding ships. while smaller ships equipped with Naval Pantsir will provide area area air defense. This Pantsir has been refined the most against modern threats. This Ukraine war has basically proved that its next to impossible to hit a modern Cruise missile at beyond visual range and highly unlikely with saturated attack. when Ukraine issue air alerts against Kinzal. it is basically not just against the missile but falling air defense missiles as so many will be fired against it. probability of hit very low.
Ukraine have put range at over 2000km and Mach 12. i am sure there are political constraints on its use against Ukraine infrastructure.



Lieutenant General
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Alexandr Shishkin is the most reliable Russian naval blogger and his posts regularly serve as sources for other publications or Wikipedia updates. I'm stressing this because this new updated list does not include several positions from previous list from 1st July 2023, including all ships with contracts signed in 2022 and 2023, as well as several ships with contracts signed in August of 2020 (!). This has never happened before, and Shishkin is well known for keeping his sources up to date and keeping a constant watch on Russian naval developments. If there are rumours in the Russian press, statements from shipyard staff and Shishkin doesn't list it then I don't trust it.
A lot of things stopped being published after Russia invaded Ukraine. Especially detailed projections of future purchases. So what.
Also just because they haven't ordered more ships does not mean they won't build more ships. You are reminding me of the people who were crowing that the Su-57 would only be built in 12 units because that was the initial Russian government order. The state order gets revised and modified regularly.

Fewer Kilos means no submarines for the Baltic Fleet. It seems improbable considering the speed of their construction so far but arguably it isn't the worst idea since the Baltic has become officially a NATO lake.
I heard nothing about that. They are supposed to build another four Kilos after the one being built for the Pacific Fleet is delivered. Not that I think it is a good idea to continue building them, since the Kilo is basically obsolete. Particularly in noise level and sensors. Now that the Lada is available they should be building that instead.
The last Kilo they are building for the Pacific Fleet should be delayed in deliveries as there were reports that Admiralty Shipyard sent their workers home last December because of lack of operational cashflow. So basically all construction projects there have stalled including this submarine. This is because of an order to build civilian ships which got stuck because of lack of Western components for civilian ships. Payment by the civilian client thus never happened and now they are without operating cashflow.

Ten Boreis is the minimum level for deterrence with two persistent patrols at sea. Ten SSBNs is also the minimum for USN.
I have seen no evidence that Russia won't build more Borei SSBNs. They often start laying the keels of two simultaneously and the last one was launched just this month. It will take time to prepare the yard to lay the next batch but I expect it to happen this year.

The five missing Gorshkovs are a surprise. It means that there has been no additional ship in the (very needed) class started in three preceding years; 2021, 2022 and 2023, and likely there are no plans for 2024.
Severnaya Verf is being sued in court by the Russian government for delays in delivering the Admiral Golovko. The Russian government didn't pay for the ship yet. You also have to remember that they had a 20385 corvette which burned before being delivered to the client. The whole upper structure is being rebuilt. So they will likely have to foot the bill for that as well. I suspect that the resulting cash crunch delayed construction for the other ships. They should launch one corvette this year. Which means they will have space to build more ships. Remains to be seen what will happen. The engines for the Admiral Isakov were delivered a long time ago, but as for the other components I have no information about it. I have also heard rumors of difficulties with equipping the Admiral Golovko with electronic equipment after the 2014 sanctions. But whatever. It was delivered.

Since Severnaya Verf has four covered berths and four open slipways, there is a limit to how many ships they can build simultaneously. They are currently building five Project 22350 frigates, one Project 20380 corvette, I also heard one Project 20386 corvette was put back into a covered berth. So it's not like they can just start construction of another five frigate ships right now. That is basically impossible. And putting the hull in the water and continuing construction there isn't a good option either because of the weather in St. Petersburg. Open air construction is next to impossible in the winter.

In july of 2023 Shishkin posted on the expected laying down of the keel for first two Improved Gorshkov ships. He based it on a state report designating the completion of R&D phase for Project 22350M in December of 2023. The expected date is around Navy Day in July of 2024. If that doesn't happen then it can only mean that the Russian Navy lost the battle in the Kremlin and is getting taken to the woodshed.
The original plan was to build the Project 22350M ships in a new boathouse. Which never got built. They switched building contractors several times to little avail. The shipyard did build Udaloy class destroyers in Soviet times so I think they could still build these ships, but it won't be at the originally planned rate that is for sure.


As you can see the support beams are in place but the boathouse was never built.

Note the number of SSNs - out of 13 nominally in service only four are available.
Yeah the situation with SSNs is basically a disaster. Likely won't start to be rectified until after the Laika starts being built. But the Yasen can also operate as an attack sub if necessary and they have four of those.

This projection (end of post) could prove to have been too optimistic:
This is table of equipment stocks according to The Military Balance for 2016 and 2021, Polish publicist Jaroslaw Wolski (YT) for 2016, and Institute Action Resilience for 2021, as well as combat losses and remaining equipment (TMB 2021 minus losses) by Oryx and estimates of reserves and withdrawals in 2023 by Covert Cabal (YT).
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View attachment 124850
Number of T-72s and T-80 in reserve (CC) are static because of missing parts as pre-2022 T-72 and T-80 were upgraded using old stock. These require full remanufacture which is not possible at current rate of factory occupancy with 100% of tanks requiring full overhaul after frontline use.
You have negative numbers of tanks remaining in the red table columns. And you don't see a problem with that? Garbage in, garbage out.

Also this, from 31 Dec 2022:
Additional equipment required for expansion:

if 3 regiments per division:
  • Ground Forces - 1260 tanks, 1250 ifvs
  • Naval Infantry - 400 tanks, 900 ifvs
  • Airborne - 360 ifvs
  • total - 1660 tanks, 2610 ifvs
if 2 regiments per division:
  • Ground Forces - 360 tanks, 810 ifvs
  • Naval Infantry - 200 tanks, 450 ifvs
  • Airborne - 180 ifvs
  • total - 560 tanks, 1440 ifvs
Cosidering the scale of losses, and currently calculated reserve stocks by IAR and CC (TMB had indicative quantities) it seems Russia is barely managing to keep the pre-war levels for tanks, without full expansion. For IFV/APC and artillery they should be somewhat capable of expanding with BMP-1s. MT-LB losses can be replaced but will use up most of reserves which matters as it is the most useful all-terrain tractor.
The MT-LB should be trashed anyway since it was built in Ukraine and they won't be building them there anymore. Why do you think Russia is using them as disposable kamikaze vehicles laden with explosives?

The quantity of 2A36, D-20, D-30 and MT-12 reactivated is too high compard to 2S1 and 2S3 which suggests that towed systems are harvested for barrels in record numbers.
You really believe this nonsense from Covert Cabal? How long do you think an artillery barrel survives firing at the rates they do?
Getting barrels from the towed artillery in storage would be of little help.

If this continues through to 2025 Russia will be out of reserves and considering mechanical wear of vehicles the same will apply there. The main strategic advantage that Russia held before 2022 which made it a credible threat in a conventional conflict will be gone, with nothing gained in return.
Russia left the CFE Treaty in 2015. There are no reliable numbers. Oryx's inflated Russian vehicle losses numbers are no help either. And you seem to assume Russia isn't building or repairing anything.

Russia gained a couple million new citizens and land linked Crimea. And you say they gained nothing. Sure whatever floats your boat.

All the Vatniks here would be in shambles if they were intelligent enough to know what is going on. At least the people in Kremlin are just as completely confused. What a spectacular shitshow.
Since when wasn't the Russian Navy procurement a shitshow anyway. There is nothing new here.
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"ChTZ-Uraltrak" will increase the production of engines for tanks
February 2, 2024

At the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - URALTRAK (part of the Uralvagonzavod concern and part of the Rostec state corporation) they launched a new production site for ion nitriding, which is necessary for a multiple increase in mass-produced forced-diesel engines. As reported by the press service of Rostec, the opening ceremony was attended by the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Alexey Teksler and the General Director of Uralvagonzavod Alexander Potapov.

The designers of ChTZ-Uraltrak successfully solved the problem of improving the basic characteristics of the serial V-92S2 diesel engine by increasing the strength characteristics of the metal from which the product parts are made. To increase the production volume of high-strength parts, the company created a new ion nitriding section.

The creation of a new production site at the enterprise became part of the implementation of a large project to modernize the machine fleet. The project is aimed at a multiple increase in the production of forced engines for the Uralvagonzavod T-72B3M and T-90M Proryv tanks.

“The engine is the heart of any machine. Our engines are in great demand today and are the main part of fulfilling state defense orders by enterprises that make tracked vehicles: from tanks and self-propelled vehicles to any weapons platforms,” noted Alexey Teksler. “The number of tasks is increasing, and the new installation at ChTZ will allow us to increase production threefold. And most importantly, these are new characteristics that will increase the efficiency of the equipment."

The T-72B3M and T-90M "Breakthrough" tanks are equipped with an uprated V-92S2 engine with a power of 1000 hp. with a system for automatic control of power plant operating parameters and automatic regulation of thermal conditions.
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Lieutenant General
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Russia has achieved 100% import substitution in the construction of warships
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Evtukhov noted that in 2024, Russian shipbuilders will transfer 12 surface ships and 4 submarines to the fleet

SAINT PETERSBURG, January 31. /TASS/. Russia has achieved complete import substitution in the construction of ships for the Navy. State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Viktor Evtukhov told reporters about this.

“In the construction of ships for the Russian Navy, we have achieved 100% import substitution. Today, no sanctions can affect the construction and delivery of ships,” Evtukhov said.

He also noted that in 2024, Russian shipbuilders will transfer 12 surface ships and 4 submarines to the fleet. According to him, if 20 years ago the delivery of each ship was exotic, today “we are starting to get used to the fact that this happens regularly.”

“Almost every month, either a surface ship or a submarine - nuclear or diesel-electric - is transferred to the fleet. The high-quality work of our shipbuilders allows us to meet all deadlines and build the most modern warships in the world,” Evtukhov emphasized.

He also cited figures according to which over the past 10 years, 40 surface ships and 24 submarines have been transferred to the Russian Navy. At the same time, a decade earlier, only three submarines were transferred.


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Personnel of the work of Russian units of the engineering troops engaged in providing troops with fuel, special liquids, oils and lubricants. The video shows temporarily created underground bunkers and shelters with fuel and lubricants. This makes it possible to reduce the time required to complete tasks to ensure the uninterrupted supply of troops with fuel and lubricants. As can be seen in the video, the warehouses are dispersed over a considerable distance and are connected by fuel pipelines. All warehouses are autonomous, equipped for permanent residence of personnel, equipped with means of transportation, surveillance and communications. At the bases with fuels and lubricants, places for heating and intermediate feeding of tanker drivers are equipped. There is field laboratory equipment for assessing the quality of fuel using express methods.



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A Russian soldier of the “Kamerton” detachment showed how the gunner’s position inside the BPM-3 and how the gun is controlled. The Russian BMP-3 armored personnel carrier is armed with a 100 mm 2A70 gun and a 30 mm 2A72 automatic cannon. The crew of the combat vehicle is 3 people.



Lieutenant General
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Right now it doesn't make sense to stop production of the T-90M. It would impact tank production rate at a time they are in an actual conflict and suffering attrition. The article above however shows that they have more modern methods of improving lifetime of parts which wear down in the tank engine. Which could also be applied to the Armata's engine. Allegedly Armata wasn't brought into serial production because its engine didn't have the required resource lifetime demanded by the government.


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The Russian design bureau "MiS", the developer of the MiS-35 hexacopter, has developed the "Guide" system to return the drone to the departure point in the event of a complete loss of communication with the operator. The Guide system ensures that the drone returns to the starting point, even if there is a complete loss of communication with the operator under operating conditions of electronic warfare systems. The system does not use GPS, which can be jammed using electronic warfare, but works on the principles of inertial navigation. In the event of loss of communication between the UAV and the operator, the Guide system takes the drone away from the range of electronic warfare systems, ensuring operation in critical situations. So far, the system only works with the Russian MiS-35 hexacopter.



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Right now it doesn't make sense to stop production of the T-90M. It would impact tank production rate at a time they are in an actual conflict and suffering attrition. The article above however shows that they have more modern methods of improving lifetime of parts which wear down in the tank engine. Which could also be applied to the Armata's engine. Allegedly Armata wasn't brought into serial production because its engine didn't have the required resource lifetime demanded by the government.
Always found it strange how Russia refers to engine lives, TBOs, and so on as "resource".

I'm a native Russian speaker, but I got into military watching after I immigrated to United States.