Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Lieutenant General
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I expect the Russians to eventually develop four new transport aircraft types. With twin PD-8, twin PD-14, twin PD-35, quad PD-35 engines.

Pardon to be again the one who ruins the party, but they so far didn't get the much smaller and simpler Il-112 ready and now you expect "four new transport aircraft types"?? Sorry, but this is as realistic like the latest claims in the Indian thread, France could benefit from India's contribution in developing a fifth generation engine for its own fifth and sixth generation fighters! :D;)


Grumpy Old Man
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Well ... "Russia Pursues Development Of New Military Transport Aircraft" by Piotr Butowski - January 29, 2024

These two images are from an Ilyushin patent and most likely depict the Il-100. (via Russian Defense Ministry)

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View attachment 124615

And I'm 100% sure, would it be a Chinese design, the social media all over would once again call it a blatant copy!

View attachment 124616
The wing box is inside the fuselage instead on top like Y-20. The height of the internal space is gonna be lower.


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The AVD company, manufacturer of Chekan armored personnel carriers, presented the new SBA Ladoga armored vehicle. The Russian armored vehicle SBA "Ladoga" is designed to transport personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and special forces and to conduct counter-terrorism operations. According to the manufacturer, tests were carried out to compare the SBA Ladoga armored car and the Tiger armored car. Reportedly, the Ladoga self-propelled gun showed superiority over the Tiger armored car in such parameters as range, payload, cross-country ability and security. The SBA "Ladoga" armored car has an armored body, windows, and the engine compartment is covered with an armored hood. Armor class 5, according to GOST R 50963-96, which corresponds to level 2 of STANAG 4569 and protects against armor-piercing incendiary bullets 7.62mm x 39 and from mine explosions under the wheel or bottom. The vehicle is equipped with new axles with forced-locking bevel gear differentials, which increased the cross-country ability of the armored vehicle. The machine is equipped with a YaMZ-5347 diesel engine with a power of 215 hp. The weight of the machine is 7 tons, the estimated cost is 5 million rubles or $55,800.



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In Obninsk, at one of the private enterprises and in other cities, a retired tank driver, with the call sign “Architect” and volunteers, organized the production of Russian dynamic protection “Contact-1”, used to protect tanks. The “Contact-1” project is being developed with funds from volunteers, support and production of protection for tanks, and is carried out in all regions of the country. The production is well organized and a stamp has already been developed for even faster production of Kontakt-1 dynamic protection components. At the moment, as part of the project, more than 67 thousand Kontakt-1 dynamic protection units have been sent to the troops. About 300 dynamic protection units are installed on one tank; installation of the units on one side of the tank takes about 10 hours. Let me remind you that “Kontakt-1” is the first Soviet dynamic tank protection system developed in 1982, after which the improved “Kontakt-5” and “Relikt” appeared.



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The Pantsir-ME naval anti-aircraft missile and gun system is being adopted by all Russian ships under construction. The ship version of the Pantsir-ME air defense system was developed at the Shipunov Instrument Engineering Design Bureau in Tula in 2017. Unlike the ground version, Pantsir-ME is armed with eight 57E6-E1 missiles and AO-18KD automatic cannons with a caliber of 30 mm. The complex is capable of repelling group strikes of air attack weapons, while simultaneously firing at 4 targets. The Pantsir-ME air defense system is the only ship-based air defense system in the world with a single combat module, which includes artillery, missile weapons and a control system. The air defense system uses a highly intelligent adaptive radar-optical control system. All stages of the operator’s combat work - from searching for a target to firing - are fully automated. The complex is capable of detecting targets at a range of up to 75 km, destroying them within a radius of 20 km from the ship, at an altitude of up to 15 km, with a reaction time of 5 seconds. The maximum speed of targets hit is up to 1000 m/s. The weight of the Pantsir-ME air defense system with ammunition is 7100 kg, it is serviced by the commander of the combat module and the target tracking operator.



Registered Member
Pardon to be again the one who ruins the party, but they so far didn't get the much smaller and simpler Il-112 ready and now you expect "four new transport aircraft types"??
The Il-112 failed because they didn't have a proper engine for it. They had to make a forced engine. It broke itself to pieces, flamed out, burned the wing, and the aircraft crashed.

There are also doubts if the wing area in Il-112 was appropriate. Given that the management or the designers decided to make a single piece wing which was constrained in size due to manufacturing technology, contrary to the opinion of the aircraft manufacturing plant, this might have meant the aircraft didn't have enough lift to make an unpowered landing.

In the Il-112, unlike in the other large aircraft projects, they also didn't do any wind tunnel testing and relied on performance numbers from computer simulations. From what I know TsAGI was not involved in the project at all. This is highly unusual to begin with.

The PD-14 is already available for the MC-21. The PD-8 will be available for the SJ-100. Back when Il-112 was started the PD-8 engine wasn't available. Heck, it isn't even in serial production yet. But PD-8 is low risk. It is basically a scaled down PD-14 engine core mated to the fan section of the SaM-146 engine. It already passed flight tests on the Il-76 test aircraft. It is currently being used in ground tests in a SJ-100 platform. It should enter serial production in a year or two.

The reason for the Russians not making their own transport aircraft in these classes sooner is that Russia before 2014 had projects with Ukraine to jointly develop such aircraft. The An-140T and the An-70. Now that they are free from such hindrances, once they have appropriate engines it is a matter of time until it happens.

If required they will just move designers from the other design bureaus which make the civilian transport aircraft to get the project to work. Once SJ-100 and MC-21 projects enter serial production. The Il-112 was mostly designed by inexperienced engineers with no prior working experience.

As for them not starting production of any military transport aircraft, like the article itself states, the Il-76MD-90A is basically all new production. The original production facilities were in Uzbekistan and the tooling is all still there. The Russians had to make new tooling, redesign the wing, use different avionics, engines, etc. The only thing is they didn't do was design a new airframe. They just copied the older design.

The Russians had previously started production of the An-140 in Russia. But due to the fallout with Ukraine production of this aircraft was ceased. Hence this rushed project to develop the Il-112.

This new PD-8 aircraft will basically be an An-72 replacement. The An-72 was originally designed to replace the An-26. Which was what the Il-112 was aiming to replace as well. Shoigu already announced it is to be developed.

As for the other aircraft they are just what makes sense really.

There was a project to develop the Tu-330 medium transport aircraft as a counter to the An-70. Because of the Ukraine lobby the An-70 project was pursued. Then after relations with Ukraine collapsed the Il-276 was supposed to be the replacement for this aircraft. But then this project was frozen because back then the PD-14 engine still had not finished development and Ilyushin were busy starting production of the Il-76MD-90A.

One of the projects that Shoigu also mentioned seems to be a twin engine replacement for the Il-76MD-90A. But I doubt this would be designed in the short term. For one the engines for it aren't available yet. PD-28 or better engines would be necessary.

The Russians have more than enough engineering resources to develop these aircraft once the SJ-100 and MC-21 projects start serial production. Between the teams from Sukhoi (developed SJ-100), Irkut (developed MC-21), and Beriev (developed Be-200), they can develop these aircraft.
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Registered Member
In Obninsk, at one of the private enterprises and in other cities, a retired tank driver, with the call sign “Architect” and volunteers, organized the production of Russian dynamic protection “Contact-1”, used to protect tanks. The “Contact-1” project is being developed with funds from volunteers, support and production of protection for tanks, and is carried out in all regions of the country. The production is well organized and a stamp has already been developed for even faster production of Kontakt-1 dynamic protection components. At the moment, as part of the project, more than 67 thousand Kontakt-1 dynamic protection units have been sent to the troops. About 300 dynamic protection units are installed on one tank; installation of the units on one side of the tank takes about 10 hours. Let me remind you that “Kontakt-1” is the first Soviet dynamic tank protection system developed in 1982, after which the improved “Kontakt-5” and “Relikt” appeared.

Probably only producing the modules and not the internal filling ?


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Pardon to be again the one who ruins the party, but they so far didn't get the much smaller and simpler Il-112 ready and now you expect "four new transport aircraft types"?? Sorry, but this is as realistic like the latest claims in the Indian thread, France could benefit from India's contribution in developing a fifth generation engine for its own fifth and sixth generation fighters! :D;)

In addition to what's already been said on this subject, there's a historical factor at work as well.

Russia inherited producers of large cargo / commercial aircraft from the Soviet Union. However, the production of small aircraft and small aircraft engines often took place in other parts of the USSR / Warsaw Pact, such as Poland, Ukraine and CZ.

As a result, post-Soviet Russia did not have a large, well-established industry for producing basic trainers, small prop engines, small efficient jet engines, small prop-driven transports and certain bush planes. And they didn't invest in these.

Conversely, Russia continued production of transports such as the IL-76 and some airliners. So they have design bureaus and experienced factories for production of these types of aircraft. And some engine development.

But the small stuff was left out in the cold. "Just buy Western" or "partner with Ukraine" was the answer.

So Russian small aircraft industry [including helicopters] is underdeveloped in comparison with airliners and transports. Even the Il-112 was kind of a side project given limited resources. The "unwanted child" of aircraft development in Russia.

I recently read an article translated from Russian that interviewed a member of a private, small-engine design firm in Russia. He said that his people had gone "knocking on doors" all over Russia in the 2010s to generate interest in their industry and products. But there wasn't much responsiveness. He says that there is a lot more interest in their product development today, but now of course they have to play catch-up after decades of neglect.

So I would not say that the problems with the IL-112 are representative of the entire industry. But they all have their issues stemming from long-term underinvestment.


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This inaccurate way of adding numbers based on announcements of deliveries.
Russia delivered about 50 MIG-29M in 4 years to Egypt. thats bare minimum performance for twin engine fighter deliveries. and in same time frame it was also exporting RD-93 engines. so it is not like it was peak manufacturing performance for this particular product.
These Sukhoi plants are way bigger, modern than MIG and engines are manufactured at much larger three locations.

regarding Su-57 production doubles every year.
if serial production start in 2020. how much production in 2023 and the consistent messaging about Su-57 production and capabilities.
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“In the final assembly shop, work is already underway on combat vehicles that will be transferred to the Russian Aerospace Forces in 2024. The number of fifth-generation fighters entering the military almost doubles every year,” said Sergei Chemezov, general director of the Rostec state corporation.

In 2023, the Su-57 assembly line was set up in the face of growing volumes of serial production of aircraft. Measures have also been taken to eliminate bottlenecks throughout the production cycle. At the same time, production is being updated. As part of the state program for the development of the defense industry, promising technical re-equipment projects for serial production of the Su-57 aircraft are being implemented.
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“For some types (production volumes - IF) have increased significantly. I can say that the new Su-57 aircraft is several times larger this year than in the previous year,” Slyusar said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV channel (VGTRK ).

Su-57 supporting infantry in battlefield. seem radar,, communication, ew and optics are well developed.
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Military expert Matviychuk: The fifth generation Su-57 is a very powerful machine
Unlike the [fighter] that we adopted literally three or four years ago, this is a completely different machine that performs the functions of supporting infantry on the battlefield,” Matviychuk said.

from 2021. This fighter they were not releasing enough information even before Ukraine.

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Russian microcircuits for building digital antennas

True, these particular microcircuits are not the most high-frequency ones - only 1 GHz sampling frequency. But since we still won’t tell anyone where the partisans are, we cannot show the components that are in the Su-57 radar and our other latest products. The potential enemy has mastered frequencies up to 60 GHz. I would like to hope that we are somewhere nearby
in Russia, digital AFAR was first installed on the Su-57 fighter, and on the ground in the 55Zh6M Nebo radar, and in all ranges it uses - centimeter, decimeter and meter. But we must admit, we were not the first.
Now, judging by what is being said about the radio-optical phased array for the Su-57, the backlog has been eliminated.


Registered Member
Like @Surpluswarrior said the production of small aircraft in Soviet times was mostly relegated to Warsaw Pact members. You also had the transport aircraft lobby represented by Antonov from Ukraine.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union a lot of now Russian aircraft design bureaus found themselves out of a job and designed several small aircraft. But because of lack of reliable engines these did not enter serial production. The Russian aviation market for small aircraft also isn't that large to begin with. Unfortunately the private market in Russia isn't investing enough in making small aircraft and the Russian government is only minimally interested.

The Russian government did fund the LMS-901 and Il-114 aircraft projects though. In the meantime before those aircraft are available the plan seems to be to use helicopters like the Mi-8 to replace any gaps in coverage with small airplanes.
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