Re: Georgia Attacks South Ossetia, War With Russia Looms
One that I have whished to see (thougth not yet been able) is some sort of force stats or order of battles to tell what sort of forces have Russia deployed.
The bits and pieces I have managed to gather is that there is 150 armoured vehicless crossed the border...wich sounds like reinforced tank regiment or a brigade (Im aware that russia has some brigade formations but Im not familar of their organisation)
If there is indeed only few regiments, perhaps a division figthing in South Ossetia, it takes the whole situation into new ligth. Appears that its more close to what Russian side claims, a policing operation to restore the South Ossetian situation and not some annexation of Georgia by some evil empire's mystic dark deeds.
Thougth it puts the whole Russian cognigent into hazarious situation if Saakashvili manages to muster all of his forces to push them back.
Also, our news showed images of Russian VDV loading into cargo planes, wich was rather expected move, knowing the use of desants in these sort of proxy wars
Russian consripts are telling reporters that they are having to move every hour as Georgian Art his hitting them.
Well it would be more alarming if he would have told that they are just standing while shells pour into their heads

I mean that what modern ground war is, scooping away from artillery fire, redeploy and then scoop away was what we did back on my army days and we
were the bloody artillery
But Utelore asked about what Georgians can do with their artillery....
well win the war if they can use it correctly. Thougth I dont know what they have and more importantly, how they use it, but as this war seems to focus on land fighting, artillery - naturally as the king of the battle field - comes as decisseve element over which side will win.