Russia Economy Thread


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The road from Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok will be 10Km long. Another 3000km of railway line. and than count ports, cities and ice breakers. extremely large GDP can afford it.
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Putin unveils mega projects at Eastern Economic Forum​

I think Russia can consume all the Gas in electric and heating when you look at the scale of development.
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11 GW of capacity to be built in the Far East by 2030

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Russia Plan Calls for 34 New Nuclear Reactors by 2042​

This Solar and Wind are much faster to implement but they take too much space, dont have reliability and life span of Nuclear. Nuclear reactor are like for 60 to 80 years life span.
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Rosatom received permission to build the largest wind power plant in Russia with a capacity of 300 MW​

The Ministry of Construction of Dagestan has issued a permit for the construction of the Novolakskaya wind farm.

This another Russian firm that has 3.5GW Solar portfolio until 2027. Russia has one of the most advanced research abilities in Solar Panels and with single family homes it can implement it effectively.
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Malaysian PM brought Semiconductor in Putin Meeting.
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As you know, Asean is always engaged with Russia, and we have open trade focusing on semiconductors, or on some of the related fields. "Of course, we in Asean, are looking forward to your participation in Asean Summit 2025,” he said.

Russia Children in Turkmen Caspian resort. Russia has those Summer schools resorts by Caspian Sea. but it is highly likely they are used for border regions around Ukraine. also they want to enhance the Status of Caspian region.
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Russian schoolchildren came to Turkmenistan for vacation​

Young people from Russia were warmly welcomed in the national tourist zone "Avaza". As part of the holiday, children will enjoy various events and excursions, as well as the sunny coast of the Caspian Sea.


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Reuters: Tens of Billions of Yuan in Payments Stuck Between Moscow and Beijing

The reason cited is the tightening of US sanctions against Russia at the beginning of the summer. Did Russian business representatives notice a worsening of the payment situation in August?

Tens of billions of yuan in payments are stuck between Russia and China,
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reports, citing sources. According to the agency's sources, problems with receiving payments from China worsened for Russian exporters in August.

The reason cited is the tightening of US sanctions against Russia at the beginning of the summer. The restrictions affected, among other things, dozens of Chinese suppliers who worked with Russia.

Business FM asked Russian business representatives whether they noticed a worsening of the payment situation in August:

Chairman of the All-Russian public organization "Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" Vitaly Mankevich:

"We always construct payments manually, and this increases the price for the end consumer. But we have certain opportunities, we use various schemes, I am uncomfortable talking about this on air, but there are certain tricks. It turns out to work through Chinese regional banks, but Chinese regional banks are also now making these payments manually and blowing on the water, as they say, there is also a certain complexity in this. Therefore, we expect that our authorities, Russian and Chinese financial authorities will nevertheless launch a closed channel for exchanging payments, including using cryptocurrencies. Barter schemes are also used now, I think that this will simplify our interaction with Chinese partners."

Director of VM Partners, Director of the Competence Center for China at the Higher School of Business at Moscow State University Daria Mushta:

"In August, we discovered problems with payments to China even through payment agents. For some time, those payments that we could previously make in four to five days began to go to China in 10-12, some were stuck for about 20 days. In addition, many payments are subject to additional compliance. Then many suppliers, if the relationship with them is not very good or the first orders, are not ready to ship according to the payment order. Therefore, this is the problem that we faced in August, and unfortunately, I do not see an improvement in the situation. I think these are more actions of the financial system, which is under the control of the Americans, the SWIFT system, that is, all payments that can be involved in transactions with Russia are subject to additional control. In particular, countries such as Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, the Emirates, even Hong Kong, are subject to additional compliance. In our company structure, we have 25 payment agents with whom we work - and we look at the situation in various companies. It is clear that some companies may be included in the sanctions lists, some payment agents do not have sufficient liquidity to sell, which can be used to conduct currency transactions. But nevertheless, given that we have a fairly large system of payment agents, within one week it is possible to conduct a payment from us to our supplier."

St. Petersburg entrepreneur Pavel, who orders electrical equipment from China:

"I don't send money directly anymore, because compliance there takes up to two and a half months. Now banks require export transport declarations that the cargo is going to Kyrgyzstan, or Kazakhstan, or Turkey, or Indonesia, or Thailand, or somewhere else, to confirm that the cargo, according to the previous payment, went exactly where it should. If all this really works, then I don't know what will happen. How did it all develop initially, this whole story? At first, there was a list of foreign economic activity codes that you couldn't pay by, then this list started growing. Then they just stopped accepting money. That is, there are small banks, they accept money from Russia, but compliance is very slow."

According to Chinese customs data cited by Reuters, in the first half of the year, trade turnover between China and Russia grew by 1.6%, to $137 billion.


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So why have they not moved to CIPS and SPFS yet? Why the hell should SWIFT still be in use between both countries?
They have had two years to do this. Ridiculous.

The US can threaten China with cutting their connection to SWIFT too someday. It is in China's interest to have their own system as well.


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These are just my random thoughts, but what if China is trying to throttle Russian economy on purpose?


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So why have they not moved to CIPS and SPFS yet? Why the hell should SWIFT still be in use between both countries?
They have had two years to do this. Ridiculous.
Because China cares much more about its relations with the West than Russia. It simply doesn't want to see Russia sink, but its trade relations with the combined West is worth far more than its trade with Russia. This will become more obvious as China rises up the value-add ladder, because it will sell increasingly more expensive products for which it will need increasingly rich buyers.


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The Soviet Union collapsed due to a multitude of factors. But their main issue was they could not feed themselves. They imported grain from the US to feed cattle. The grain was bought with the proceeds from their oil exports. The US and Saudi Arabia crashed the oil price. Saudi Arabia built huge oil storage facilities. And they together with the US flooded the market with oil. The oil price crashed. This meant the Soviet Union could no longer afford to buy grain for feeding cattle. Meat disappeared from store shelves. The same thing happened with butter and cheese. And people had to eat mostly bread, for which enough wheat was produced in the Soviet Union, and little else. This caused a lot of public dissatisfaction.

For the Soviet government the worst thing was they no longer had the cashflow to continue importing Western technology to modernize their industry as they used to do. This would lead them to fall behind technologically to the West which would be dangerous in terms of defense. Remember this was at the time of the US Reagan buildup and the Star Wars program. Some kind of economic paradigm shift was necessary. Gorbachev started to allow the creation of worker cooperatives, and allowed the youth organizations (Komsomol) to start their own banks. That is how for example Mikhail Khodorkovsky and others started to gain their wealth. The Russian government then allowed these Komsomol organizations to do import and export by themselves. They started exporting subsidized or low price products in the Soviet Union to export markets, and bought in the West things that would sell for high prices in the Soviet Union. And that is how their economy unraveled. As these people started gaining more power by gaming the system without paying taxes, some people in the military and security services decided to reverse this, that is when the coup against Gorbachev happened. The coup failed, Yeltsin gained actual power in the vacuum of Gorbachev's house arrest, and Yeltsin decided he wanted the power all for himself, so he helped abolish the Soviet Union. And this is how we get to the Russian Federation.


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I've been studying the collapse of the Soviet Union, and I think the main reason for the Soviet Union's collapse was Gorbachev, not economics. It was Gorbachev's idiotic and delusional destruction of the Communist Party and his personal creation of Russian separatist institutions.

Gorbachev himself forced the Communist Party
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its monopoly on power in 1988. He then created an
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. Worst of all, he also created a
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with a Russian president (Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR, elected by the Russian Soviet Republic parliament). This was part of Gorbachev's weird and incomprehensible desire to give more autonomy to everybody.

Nobody in the Soviet Union wanted or asked for a parliament or for the Communist Party to give up power. Nobody in the Russian Soviet Republic wanted their own parliament or president or "autonomy," until Gorbachev unilaterally decided they were getting all this.

Naturally the Russian parliament and its Russian president tried to grab power. Shocking! Yeltsin manoeuvred himself into becoming the president of Russia. Then he started outlawing Soviet laws in the Russian Soviet Republic and refusing to let Russia pay taxes to the Soviet Union. Permitting all this meant the death of the Soviet Union.

At this point, Gorbachev should have just arrested Yeltsin for being a separatist and a traitor and shot him like Stalin would have. Sadly Gorbachev wanted a Nobel Peace Prize and just let Yeltsin destroy everything from inside. Worst of all, Yeltsin would never have become president of Russia if Gorbachev hadn't created the Russian parliament in the first place!

Yeltsin was also super-popular in the 1980s because he opposed Gorbachev and said that Gorbachev was an idiot, which everybody could see was true. Unfortunately, Russians didn't figure out that Yeltsin also had no solutions and was an alcoholic power-grabbing separatist agent of destruction - until it was too late.


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Gorbachev was retarded. He was sent as part of a trade delegation to Canada to help Russian agriculture before he was the Soviet leader. He spent the time at parties dining and schmoozing and did nothing. Had the Soviets started using the farming methods used in Canada, the wheat shortage problem could have been mitigated. For example in Canada they added rapeseed to animal meal, something which easily grows in lands at northern latitudes which were basically not cultivated in the Soviet Union. And Canada housed their livestock in heated buildings. This reduced animal consumption of feed. In the Soviet Union because they did not heat these facilities the animals required more feed intake just to keep warm. In the Soviet Union a lot of the wheat production was also wasted. They did not have enough harvesters to collect or grain elevators to store the entire crop. So the best grain used for wheat was collected, and the rest just rotted in the field.
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Reminder again, that China gained bigly at the expense of Germans when the latter cut off Russia. All that manufacturing export shifted from Germany to China almost overnight.

Interestingly enough, this also happened to exports into Saudi Arabia, even though there was no war going on.

Either way, this showed the Russians you can have China fully replacing the West.


Registered Member
So why have they not moved to CIPS and SPFS yet? Why the hell should SWIFT still be in use between both countries?
They have had two years to do this. Ridiculous.

The US can threaten China with cutting their connection to SWIFT too someday. It is in China's interest to have their own system as well.
don't believe anything what ''tonyget'' post ..

are those random source more authentic than Russian foreign minister and Central Bank chief ?? there is no doubt, there are problems but western media as usual exaggerating..

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Lavrov Says Russia, China Almost Dedollarized Their Trade​

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Russia-China trade hitting new heights .. nothing can beat this evidence..